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If Oda is health is so bad he should officialy make the series bi weekly or some shit instead of this fucked up schedule we're getting
fuck Oda's health, this excuse is getting lame
If he really wanted the best for this series and for his health
he would hire multiple assistants to draw for him, but he's too proud or something.
Heck some people would work for him for free.

Formerly Seth

fuck Oda's health, this excuse is getting lame
If he really wanted the best for this series and for his health
he would hire multiple assistants to draw for him, but he's too proud or something.
Heck some people would work for him for free.
Health argument is the worst shit in the manga community.

When shits gets real okay but they are not fucking alone.

They are not writing editing and etc alone.

It's not our fault that Oda doesn't want to sleep 8 hours or so.
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