Anime & Manga Admiral Lee Hung's Rare Meme Repository

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World's Strongest Swordsman
Kaido form 20 years ago ain't current Kaido and there might be more to Enma as some type of weakness to Kaido

Roger's sword didn't cut Kaido , Big Mom sword didn't cut Kaido after 2 days of fight ... so I'm not sure CoA or power is all that matter here

I doubt they even fought him. Kaidos gonna lose to luffy whose just learned advanced coa. You think its on the level of roger or shanks or even prime ray ???
Hes lost loads of times. Memes been pregnant for years remember thats why roger didnt fight her. There is no magic it will be coa and zoros likely gonna match odens feat.
I doubt they even fought him. Kaidos gonna lose to luffy whose just learned advanced coa. You think its on the level of roger or shanks or even prime ray ???
Hes lost loads of times. Memes been pregnant for years remember thats why roger didnt fight her. There is no magic it will be coa and zoros likely gonna match odens feat.
we don't know how thing play out ... as long as their is Big Mom ... Luffy have zero chance to win

so ... Oda have higher plans than Luffy Vs Kaido

I wait ... if some thing change ... I change my side

I for now I'm cool for Kaido > Shanks cause Kaido have more feats

but I still am sure Shanks > Kaido would be proven one day ... so I wait for more feats

Mihawk fandom should do the same

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Sword and Admiral, Character/Plot Database!!

So I've noticed some asking for an official list of the Character Affiliations/Plot Threads seeing as how this Meme Chronicle has gotten much bigger than all of us originally suspected lol. So I figured I'd create this now so that we could all have a reference point to follow all the events and characters. I will edit this post over time to include everyone so if I post this and you don't yet see your name on here, fret not. All shall be added lol. I'll also link this post in the OP and in my signature.

I also wanted reveal some information about some characters who's developments/motivations need to be properly explained, but I likely won't be able to do so in the series itself due not actually drawing these panels and just taking them from other manga lmfao.

Let's do this!!!

Characters revealed so far

Zoro Fandom Faction

@ShishioIsBack - (Zoro Fan) - One of the Three Great Mossheads, the Three Great Zoro Wankers who have terrorized the Internet with overwhelming Zoro Wank!! Currently, Shishio is the most powerful Zoro Wanker alive. Shishio is a powerful hybrid Essay/Lul Type, combining articulate essays with spectacular pwnage for a well balanced Zoro Wanking Offensive.

@Cinera - (Zoro Fan) - One of the Three Great Mossheads, the Three Great Zoro Wankers who have terrorized the Internet with overwhelming Zoro Wank!! Cinera is currently inactive, though her strength was on par with the greatest wankers of all time.

@HA001 - (Zoro Fan) - The Stanji Slayer!! General Ha is capable of slaying Sanji Stans in the blink of an eye! His blinding speed makes him a true terror on the battlefield! He is an extreme Lul Type, decimating his opponents with spectacular pwnage.

@Light D Lamperouge - (Mihawk/Zoro Fan) - The Lord of the Mihawk Fans! Light earned a name from himself through a series of calculated and Wanknificent Mihawk threads. He was appointed to be the Commander in Chief of Sword/Admiral Headquarters, though he was slain by @Topi Jerami through a well-calculated Wank Attack. His corpse was retrieved by @TheAncientCenturion and he is currently in search of Code Name: Soy Boy.

@Awakening_coming - (???) - A mysterious figure who has yet to reveal his true allegiances, though he was one of the Guardians of Sword/Admiral HQ. He is currently being relentlessly pursued by @Topi Jerami and has been cited as the only one who can hinder @TheAncientCenturion 's plans. What is the secret behind this man??

@Den_Den_Mushi - (Mihawk Fan) - One of the most powerful posters of all time, and a dedicated Mihawk Fan. Though Den Den currently allies with the Zoro Fandom, he only does this to further the glory of the Hawk. Is currently defending the Zoro Fandom from the Monstrous Invasion.

@Guan Yu - (Zoro Fan) - Leader of the Grandmaster's Temple. Presides over all wanking ceremonies/rituals. Has a hobby of destroying Fan Art from other fanbases.

@Cyrus the Cactus - (Zoro Fan) - Shishio's Mighty Steed and the Lord of All Horses. Not much is known about him or his abilities, though as the steed of one of the Zoro Wankers of Legend, he must be quite powerful.

@ZoroGang - (Zoro Fan) - One of the most powerful Zoro wankers!! Is currently defending the Zoro fandom from the Monstrous Invasion.

@Dark Hound - (Zoro/Akainu/Garp Fan) - One of the most powerful Powerful Zoro wankers!! Is a fan of other characters but aligns with the Z fans. Is currently defending the Grandmaster’s Temple from the Monstrous Invasion.

Wank Elimination Faction

Leader- @TheAncientCenturion - (Admiral/Calamity Fan) The Leader of the Admiral Faction, and the current Mastermind of the plan to fall both the Katakuri Fandom and the Zoro Fandom. His true motives remain unknown, though he has dreamt of a fandom without wank.

Spoilers Within a Spoiler? Nani??!!

That's right, the TAC Faction is so freaking big, that it needs multiple subsections.

@Topi Jerami - (Akainu Fan) - One of the Three Wankers Of Akainu!! With Wank on par with Lee and Shishio, he was able to defeat @Light D Lamperouge in battle, and is currently pursuing @Awakening_coming for unknown reasons.

@Jo_Ndule - (???) - "The Anti-Wank" himself!! Over his tenure, he has received over 1,000 Ls!! Though contrary to a normal Wanker who would get weaker after even 1 L, Ndule has gotten stronger from each individual L he has taken!! What is the secret behind this contradiction? Could it have something to do with the dichotomy between Wank and Anti-Wank?

@comrade - (???) - "The Devil's Advocate," The First Mate of @TheAncientCenturion and the one currently manipulating @Jo_Ndule 's actions. His motives remain unknown, but he can be considered the Mastermind of the Death of Admiral Lee.

@Bisoromi Bear Sama - (Alt) - Former Alt of @TheAncientCenturion . Realizing he had no place in the New World now that TAC has been made a mod, he heroically sacrifices himself for the greater future of the Wankdom.

@Albino 👑 - (Franky Fan) - Was originally a Zoro Fan Infiltrator, but surrendered willingly to Shishio for the purpose of being taken to Udon. Little is known about his motivations, or if he is truly loyal to the Wank Elimination Squad...

@Jiihad - (Marco Fan) - One of @ZenZu ’s former subordinates, a man who can revive himself from death!! Is currently aligned with the Monsters of Udon for unknown reasons.

@ZenZu - (???) - The most powerful creature in Power Scaling history!!! Revived from Death by @TheAncientCenturion , and currently residing in the depths of Udon. Loyal to the Wank Elimination Faction for unknown reasons.

@Red Admiral - (Shanks Fan) - A Legendary Shanks Wanker revived from the dead by @TheAncientCenturion . Was last seen devastating the Katakuri Leaf Village with his Haoshoku Haki. It has so far not been revealed why he has chosen to follow the Wank Elimination Faction...

@Guts - (Luffy Fan) - “Holder Of the Infinite Degrees!!” Revived from the dead by @TheAncientCenturion , Was last seen attacking the Katakuri Sand Village, and being temporarily halted by @playa4321 .

@MonsterZoro - (Sanji Fan) - Almost nothing is known about him, other than the fact that he is currently paired with @Van and that they have slayed a MochiKage, meaning that they must be quite powerful.

Admiral Tard Faction

@Admiral Lee Hung - (Admiral Fan) - A Great Admiral of the Heavens!! One of the Three Wankers Of Akainu, and one of the most powerful wankers of his time, with strength on par with Shishio. He was slain in battle by the "Anti-Wank" @Jo_Ndule .

@Owl Ki - (Admiral/Urouge/Capone Fan) - Admiral Lee's right hand man and the current leader of the Admiral Tard Army. No one knows much about his mysterious abilities, mainly because he doesn't give AF about OP anymore, but it was rumored that his strength was on par with Admiral Lee.

@King7 - (Admiral Fan) - King is one of the New Generation of Admiral Wankers! He aspires to be a Great Admiral of the Heavens. He inherited Admiral Lee's Admiral Wanking Glaive upon his death.

Admiral Fandom Faction

@Kuroshika - (Admiral Fan) - “The Censored Queen” and one of the Three Wankers Of Akainu! Her Wanking is on par with Topi and Lee!! Has agreed to prevent the Yonko Fandom from attacking Shishio.

Sanji Fandom Faction

@Chrono - (Sanji Fan) - The man who hates all other fanbases, and the most powerful Sanji Wanker!! Has aspirations of destroying all fandoms accept for the Sanji fandom. Little is known about his abilities, though we can infer that he must be quite powerful if @TheAncientCenturion was willing to ally with him...

Yonko Fandom Faction

@Erkan12 - (Shanks Fan) - One of the mightiest Yonko Wankers in the Fandom!! Wanks Shanks (and the other Yonko) to high heaven!! Slain by Lee in Chapter 1. Though with TAC's revival jutsu, is he really gone?...

@JazzMazz - (Luffy Fan) - One of the Great Essay Types of his age and an Epic Luffy up-player, JazzMazz was an extremely articulate wanker who was slain by Ha001. While the battle may have seemed one sided, it's interesting to note that Jazz was slain before he could adopt his Gear 4 Fighting Form.

Katakuri Fandom Faction


Plot Threads/Summaries

Coming Soon...
Okay so I added some more characters lol, @Topi Jerami @Jiihad @Kuroshika @ZoroGang @Dark Hound among others