Apparently Izo really was the guy in that flashback with the scabbards... meaning it matches up with Okiku calling Kin'emon "master" before... since a fellow scabbard of the same generation at least wouldn't be calling the other "master"
law as luffy's rival is some mid, his growth rate would have to surpass luffy's to get to a point where he is even a worthy rival which is just not something I see law doing or kid for that matter.
true rivalries lie in difference in ideology, kinda like an exact opposite of what you are. remember the scene in the diner where luffy and bb liked and hated different things.
BB prob wants to conquer the entire world while luffy wants to be free
look at what shiki intended to do with his power and look at roger's response.
This law luffy rivalry is cooked up by fans who still hold that one sabaody panel till this day . Imu knows whats up. imagine going from an opponent like kaido to tackling the likes of weevil, law and kid. The so called killer and zoro rivalry went on as fans expected too . lmao
No bueno .
dont waste our fucking time.
bring on BB, marines, BM and so on.
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