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How to care for a male neko


1. Cuddle with them. Not all the time, though. They are adorable creatures, but they don't need to be babied all the time.


2. Kiss them! Give them little kisses on their nose, neck, cheek, lips, forehead, etc. They will feel special and loved.


3. Feed them 4 times a day! Breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner! Sometimes you can give your neko a little treat if they're good, or for any other reason they deserve it.


4. Four times a day is good enough for a growing Neko, but you can maybe make it five. The fifth can be considered dessert, and you can also call it a "Treat Ceremony". You write a list of everything good your Neko has done, and give them treats for it! But don't make the treats too big. I would say a small sushi or fish are good, or normal kitty treats.


5. Let them "reward" you! If your Neko thinks you're a good Master, then they will be good to you and reward you with some stuff! Plus, you're their Master (Mistress)! If you wanna make them do something (if it's appropriate and they're fine with it), they'll obey as a "Thank You"!


6. Be intimate with your Neko. Sometimes a Neko enjoys a little fun with their Master. This can also be two rewards in one. Being with Master in their comfy bed, and having the fun you wanted.

But if you're a boy and you don't wanna do that with a Master (boy), I'm sure you will find something less intimate, or not intimate, at all to get in Masters bed with him.


7. The hard part.

Nekos aren't always perfect beings. They defiantly misbehave. If this happens the first time, scold your Neko calmly. You are allowed to use a higher toned voice, but only a little bit.


8. If they misbehave multiple times (which I know they will), then bring in the punishment. You can ban them from your bed for 2 weeks (maybe more), take away their Treat Ceremony (basically treats in general), etc.


9. Pet them from their head, spine, then softly near their tail. If they don't like it, - not many hate it - simply think of something else. If they do like it, this could lead to purring, cuddling, or other intimate moments.


10. Do what they ask you, if you can at the time. If not, they have legs! They can get off their bums!


11. Give them a comfy bed, whether it be a human one or cat one.


12. Give them nice clothes, they will treasure them forever.


13. If they get annoying, ask them to stop. If they don't, punishment comes in.


14. Put some pillows in a comfortable furniture like position, in a sun beam. Nekos love sun beams.


15. Let them do what they want, but only if it's something good.

Example: if they were on punishment and wanting to sleep with Master, don't let them do that. But if they wanna cuddle with you on the couch, or the floor near you because you don't want them to scratch the couch, that's allowed.


16. Finally! The last tip!!

Bathe them. If they think they're old enough, still don't allow it. Nekos sometimes don't trust themselves, and if they do, sometimes they mess something up. Always clean them by yourself. And make sure to clean their ears often. Neko ears get dirty.


Follow these tips and over time you'll develop a wonderful relationship with your male neko!
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