Future Events Best and Worst characters to hang out with

Best person to hang out with? For now I'm going to say "Yamato". She's a cool fun chick whose both a knockout and doesn't have any other annoying traits which detract from that. She's admirable in an abundance of ways, funny in several more, and quite likely to appreciate conversation from another friendly perspective. And in fact, in most other ways, she's exactly like Luffy, who would be quite a contender for this himself. Not to mention, she's likely curious enough of the outside world to hear somebody talk about it for hours, and yet curious and smart enough to listen and internalize it all. She's clearly the type to get attached really quick as well, and yet her logical mind is so good and so unbiased that she's like this despite of her father and where she's been raised. #1 straw hat contender.

Meanwhile, Hody Jones has got to be the most unpleasant type of person to be around. He's a bully to everyone who doesn't follow blindly behind him and a bully to even those when its convenient. He's a weakling without a single admirable trait. He does drugs and would probably try to push doing drugs on all of the people he associates with under threat of death or something like that. He might just be the very most throughly racist character in all of One Piece. He isn't even honest with himself or his motives, and yet constantly spouts bullsh*t, so I might end up at risk of some retarded indoctrination. He's a follower; none of his idea are his own yet he's too inept to properly follow other's ideas either. All of his ideas are corrupted versions of previous ones. He's former military, which is bad. He's an utterly unjustified, utterly unrepentant murderer, which is worse. He enjoys bringing on board just the very worst of the scum (see Vander Decken) so it's not like anyone else present would be able to act as a balm to his company. I think that lots of people willfully forget about Hody Jones just because of how god-awful he really is.
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