General & Others What Will You Guys Do if Zoro *Does* Fight Kaido?

It just would make no sense why Oda portrays Luffy so weak when he is the future pirate king and many of the enemies(Caeser Clown, Hody, Cracker etc.) he faces should be easily doable by him... a good example for that bad portrayal is the Apoo attack or getting one shotted by Kaido just to show his strength and then have Zoro kill or wound Kaido is just sad. Oda please stop with these Luffy team fights, let the man do his fights alone without any bullshit, like the Lucci fight which is praised as the best fight. Maybe its just Odas style to draw out Luffys fights so much. I would have no problem with Zoro wounding Kaido, if there was enough groundwork(strength wise) laid out by can he waste a decade without any good Zoro fights and splitting the crew was an even worse decision. I rly don't like the whole situation.
THAT would be legit bad writing. Momo is a weak ass little kid that hasn't even unlocked basic CoA. I don't think we've even seen him use a real sword. But the Momo killing Kaido doesn't get nearly the hate that ZKK does.
Yeah I wanted to know the views of people and compare it with Zoro.

Heck Greg in twitter considers Momo killing Kaido and doesn't responds bout Zoro killing Kaido.

Twilight zone .
What about Momo killing Kaido ?

( I read this a lot so wanna know ppls view)
Technically itโ€™s possible, momo killing Kaido an avenging his father makes perfect story sense. With help of course.

He may be to weak, but technically 1 of the current main Kaido fighters(Law). With MES can make it possible for such a thing to happen. If u know the ability, if pulled off technically anyone could kill Kaido. His heart be as vulnerable as Smokers or Monet logia hearts. Laws built different
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THAT would be legit bad writing. Momo is a weak ass little kid that hasn't even unlocked basic CoA. I don't think we've even seen him use a real sword. But the Momo killing Kaido doesn't get nearly the hate that ZKK does.
Technically Momo wouldnโ€™t need to use CoA to kill Kaido. If he pierces his heart after MES


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so he gonna do worse than ryuma? ryuma killed the dragon zoro gonna just reopen a wound ? :risitavirus:
Ruyma's inheritor doesn't need to mimic Ruyma step for step. Zoro will carve his own path to greatness. Kaido declared no samurai cut will ever be deep enough to duplicate Oden's scar. In addition, Kaido's sturdy build is world renowned for being almost uncuttable.
It's not a competition between Zoro and Ruyma lol but opening Kaido's wound is not "worse" than killing a regular dragon. I'd personally rather be known for being the only one since Oden to give Kaido a deep scar than killing a nameless dragon.

These are all nitpicks though, the reason Zoro can't kill Kaido really has nothing to do with Zoro himself or his lineage. It's about the
bigger setup of One Piece's narrative structure and Luffy's role in that structure.

Also this is the most boring discussion I could ever have honestly, I have no idea how y'all speculate like this all the time lol