Future Events Will Oda really have the balls to end the Luffy show?

lol I think expectations of kid or zoro playing an equal role to luffy in this is a bit mismatched.
oda has kept things consistent
it isnt just a phenomenon post ts,
he's always been the main reason the big bad went down.
difference post ts is a lot of his fights have other people helping him but at the end of the day,
results are ultimately the same.


World's Strongest Swordsman
lol I think expectations of kid or zoro playing an equal role to luffy in this is a bit mismatched.
oda has kept things consistent
it isnt just a phenomenon post ts,
he's always been the main reason the big bad went down.
difference post ts is a lot of his fights have other people helping him but at the end of the day,
results are ultimately the same.
Not true
last arc its sanji who met the princess of the arc and went around totland and saved totland with his role as a cook and stopped big mom from killing everyone whilst all luffy did was run from her. Despite people saying luffy would beat he her then too.
Not to mention the point of this raid (just like it was when oden went to kill a drunk kaido) is to kill not beat kaido.
Not true
last arc its sanji who met the princess of the arc and went around totland and saved totland with his role as a cook and stopped big mom from killing everyone whilst all luffy did was run from her. Despite people saying luffy would beat he her then too.
Not to mention the point of this raid (just like it was when oden went to kill a drunk kaido) is to kill not beat kaido.
and sanji baked a fucking cake to stall big mom , had no battle whatsoever.
who got the credit at the end of the arc?
sanji ?
No . his bounty was raised due to his vinsmoke ties.
on the other hand luffy was painted as the mastermind of the whole event. (a lot of which capone did)

lets go back to dr
law and luffy both played parts in taking doffy down tho I would argue luffy did significantly more (70-30).
the people of dr , I dont see them hanging statues of law around. you believe zoro kills kaido? fine.
but that happens after luffy has beaten him to an unrecognizeable state. if oda plans to give some other sn's comparable portrayal to luffy in this battle am all for it, but I will be shocked cause past events havent painted the same picture.
Nothing, except the tons of forshadowing and him outright saying it last chapter.

Yes because thats what oda does with inherited will, he makes you do the exact same thing as the will youve inherited and not surpass it,
luffy will be pk and not beat the wg like roger and start a new pirate era right...

this is odens will what he wanted to do kaido

This is inherited will

There is no set up just to scar kaido
The set up for the one who opens the scar is the one kaido thinks is the one worthy of killing him.
This is actually whats said and this is the whole sequence of that part,

It starts of with doji outright saying this fight isnt over until his head is severed. I e this war wont be over until hes dead.

so kaidos words

I saw a visage of oden

I could have let you kill me
But you are not oden

We will never see a monstrous samurai like oden again

Its too shallow you dont even have enough power to open the old wound

people just focus on his last line instead of his whole speech and just say zoro will just open the wound without looking at why kaido said that,
kaido was going to let the scabbards kill him until he realized they are not oden they are not as strong as oden they couldnt even open the wound oden gave him
so the samurai that CAN open the scar that IS as monstrous as oden IS the one he will accept that kills him.
The set up isnt for there to be someone to just open the wound, but the one who does that is capable of killing him. And thats kaidos own view.
Besides oden had kaido one blow from death if zoro does the same theres no one to save him.

This clearly isnt an arc where odas doing the usual

oda has never had zoro THIS adamant to fight the main villian
so no this isnt luffys fight because they usually wont interfere with each others fight going all the way back to mihawk

The purpose of this raid was and isnt for luffy to beat kaido or anyone to just simply BEAT kaido
its to kill kaido and orochi
as the scabbards (one of many instances) said a few chapters a go

Its zoro not luffy who met the princess of the arc saving odens daughter
who met yasu
who got odens sword and will
who literally mirrored things oden did in his flashback
who went around wano seeing its plight

even the citizens of wano in the flower capital know what needs to be done

beating kaido achieves nothing.
And all that without even mentioing ryuma the god of wanos legend of slaying a dragon above the flower capital
All of this and they would still say Nah it's impossible and Oda does it ppl will claim to be a bad writting to justify their headcanon :milaugh:
lol I think expectations of kid or zoro playing an equal role to luffy in this is a bit mismatched.
oda has kept things consistent
it isnt just a phenomenon post ts,
he's always been the main reason the big bad went down.
difference post ts is a lot of his fights have other people helping him but at the end of the day,
results are ultimately the same.
That's why i'm starting to think Oda will may be not let Zoro kill Kaido.

Luffy postskip always gets the credit for nearly everything that happens in an arc.


World's Strongest Swordsman
and sanji baked a fucking cake to stall big mom , had no battle whatsoever.
who got the credit at the end of the arc?
sanji ?
No . his bounty was raised due to his vinsmoke ties.
on the other hand luffy was painted as the mastermind of the whole event. (a lot of which capone did)

lets go back to dr
law and luffy both played parts in taking doffy down tho I would argue luffy did significantly more (70-30).
the people of dr , I dont see them hanging statues of law around. you believe zoro kills kaido? fine.
but that happens after luffy has beaten him to an unrecognizeable state. if oda plans to give some other sn's comparable portrayal to luffy in this battle am all for it, but I will be shocked cause past events havent painted the same picture.
Duh. Sanji stopped big mom with his role on the crew being a chef. Zoros not going to cook for kaido is he thats not his role.
Lets go back to dressrosa where luffy had the princess of the arc begging him to beat doffy all the way until king kong gun
he has nothing like that this arc
his only emotional tie to wano is not letting tama go hungry (something that even zoro has too on top of all the other ties that luffy doesnt)

what else oh he told momo he would beat kaido (SOMETHING HE SAID HE WAS GONNA DO TO LAW BEFORE HE EVEN MET MOMO)
in reality luffys motivations are selfhish and no different to kidd as shown here

luffy can shine plenty theres a reason there is 2 yonko here and thats not even counting he can beat kaido up too but i dont think hes finishing him.
You expect the main character from a shonen nekketsu to not be the one to finish off the villain he’s been claiming he would defeat for nearly 10 years ? Not very likely. It’s more a matter of a storytelling than a matter of balls.
one question i will ask you do you think there is a foreshadowings for Zoro killing Kaido ? answer me with yes or No
No, even with Oars it was always Luffy to deal the fibishing blow alone. When Luffy and Kaw fought Doffy Law was completely eclipsed by Luffy pergormance. Now in Wano I expect some kind of gang up vs Kaido with Luffy being the last to remain, become somewhat stronger than Kaido for a brief moment or sonething and defeat him at that point with the others unconscious or unable to fight.

Yet since, at least pre time skip, Zoro had some kind of rivalry with Luffy power qise it could be that 1) Zoro fights King too so he is already worn when he faces Kaido so that Luffy shines more and he is the one to end Kaido alone 2) Zoro at the end tag team Kaido along with Luffy but honestly I find it really difficult for Oda to share the Luffy pie with somebody else, be it Zoro or any other character.


Zoro Worshipper
Yes is the answer (at least allegedly is the correct terminology to come to use in here).

I mean an author is not forced to take this kind of shift as soon as the manga starts, it can happen in any time and if there are concrete and sensible elements that testify that this shift is likely to happen then our minds must go for the dream and see how feasible it is. It looks plenty of feasible for now, the elements go well above Zoro's recent brave words.
I only see a foreshadowing for Zoro fighting and injuring Kaido like Oden did in the past, probably by reopening his old wound with Enma.
Thanks for answering me that's what i wanted to know but bruh there is a foreshadowing for killing him read @HA001 's post there is a lot of hints being pushed around and when that happens ppl will say it's a bad writting that's what i don't understand
Nothing, except the tons of forshadowing and him outright saying it last chapter.

Yes because thats what oda does with inherited will, he makes you do the exact same thing as the will youve inherited and not surpass it,
luffy will be pk and not beat the wg like roger and start a new pirate era right...

this is odens will what he wanted to do kaido

This is inherited will

There is no set up just to scar kaido
The set up for the one who opens the scar is the one kaido thinks is the one worthy of killing him.
This is actually whats said and this is the whole sequence of that part,

It starts of with doji outright saying this fight isnt over until his head is severed. I e this war wont be over until hes dead.

so kaidos words

I saw a visage of oden

I could have let you kill me
But you are not oden

We will never see a monstrous samurai like oden again

Its too shallow you dont even have enough power to open the old wound

people just focus on his last line instead of his whole speech and just say zoro will just open the wound without looking at why kaido said that,
kaido was going to let the scabbards kill him until he realized they are not oden they are not as strong as oden they couldnt even open the wound oden gave him
so the samurai that CAN open the scar that IS as monstrous as oden IS the one he will accept that kills him.
The set up isnt for there to be someone to just open the wound, but the one who does that is capable of killing him. And thats kaidos own view.
Besides oden had kaido one blow from death if zoro does the same theres no one to save him.

This clearly isnt an arc where odas doing the usual

oda has never had zoro THIS adamant to fight the main villian
so no this isnt luffys fight because they usually wont interfere with each others fight going all the way back to mihawk

The purpose of this raid was and isnt for luffy to beat kaido or anyone to just simply BEAT kaido
its to kill kaido and orochi
as the scabbards (one of many instances) said a few chapters a go

Its zoro not luffy who met the princess of the arc saving odens daughter
who met yasu
who got odens sword and will
who literally mirrored things oden did in his flashback
who went around wano seeing its plight

even the citizens of wano in the flower capital know what needs to be done

beating kaido achieves nothing.
And all that without even mentioing ryuma the god of wanos legend of slaying a dragon above the flower capital


Zoro Worshipper
Will you be disappointed if Luffy is the one to land the final bow? I mean as a Luffy fan, I really won't but what about Zoro fans?
I would be disappointed in that Zoro is supposed to carry Oden's destiny upon his shoulders in this arc. He was clearly invested by Oda this role the way it appears, given the numerous portrayed elements we can spot during the entire duration of the arc.
Luffy lands the final blow kos kaido then what ? They just leave him there with his insane regen hed back up after a while. Then what happens ?
See that's your problem. If you don't wanna answer my question, don't. I really didn't ask for a counter-argument. Of course there are several foreshadowings of Zoro landing the final blow or beheading him. What I just asked was if you'll be disappointed if it doesn't happen and let's say Luffy kills him.