Spoiler One Piece Chapter 998 Spoilers Summaries & Images

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|One Piece Chapter 998 Spoiler Summaries and Images|

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Pepebusi Spammer
Thanks to korean leaks and
Confirmed spoilers thanks to Redon

998 제목은 "고대종"..

아직 글 스포 못 전해들었는데 토비롯포 나머지 멤들 열매 나온다고 함.

다음 주 휴재 없음.
- Chapter 998 Title "Ancient Species".
- Korean leaker has no complete information yet but he/she says something about Tobiroppo.
- Maybe we discover all of their unknown powers in this chapters.
- At the end of the chapter Yamato appears (we can see her in the picture).
- No Break Next week


Pepebusi Spammer
New update from Korean Leaks.
And confirmed spoilers from Redon.
Thank you

* 제목 "고대종"

* 마르코의 불사조 능력으로 빙귀의 효과를 어느 정도 상쇄.
감염자의 체력에 한계가 오면 다시 빙귀 효과 진행될 거라 쵸파가 항체 생산을 서두른다.

* 아푸 일어서지만 이번에는 드레이크에게 털림..

* 대결 구도 차례차례 분량 할애되어 등장.

* 사사키 "용용 열매 고대종 모델 트리케라톱스" v s 프랑키

* 블랙마리아 "거미거미 열매 고대종 모델 로사미가레 그라우보게리" v s 상디

rosamigare graubogeri 이렇게 알려준 거라 정확히 맞는 명칭인지는 모르겠음.

* 후즈후 "고양이고양이 열매 고대종 모델 샤벨 타이거" v s 징베

* 야마토가 부숴진 용의 동상을 보고 친구가 부순 것이라 말하면서
"몇년 전 아버지를 죽이러 온 남자"라고 운을 띄우며 에이스 관련 회상 시작인 듯 하며 998화 끝.
- Marco uses his skills to stop the spread of the virus.
- It seems that the virus depends on the physical capacity of the person or something like that.
- Apoo wounded up but Drake defeats him.
- Franky Vs Sasaki, who is a user of the Ryuu Ryuu no Mi Model Triceratops.
- Sanji Vs Black Maria, who is a user of th Kumo Kumo no Mi (Kumo means spider) model Rosamygale grauvogeli
- Jinbe Vs. Who's Who, who is a user of the Neko Neko no Mi model "Saber tooth" or Smilodon.
- Yamato sees a statue of a beaten dragon, says that a friend broke it. It looks like it's Ace.
- Yamato: "A man came a few years ago to kill my father."
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Pepebusi Spammer
Weekly Shonen Jump #2 Table of Content

Dr. STONE (Cover & LCP)
Black Clover
My Hero Academia
Chainsaw Man (CP/END)
Me and Roboci
Jujutsu Kaisen Side Story (5p)
Dadadadan (CP/Oneshot/47p) by
We Never Learn
Mission: Yozakura Family
Hakaishin Magu-chan
The Promised Neverland Side Story (32p)
Undead Unluck
Ayakashi Triangle
High School Family
Shakunetsu no Niraikanai
Shinrin Ouja Moriking
Phantom Seer
Our Blood Oath

Weekly Shonen Jump #3-#4 Preview
Cover & LCP:
CP: Kochira Katsushikaku Kameari Koen-mae Hashutsujo; MASHLE; We Never Learn; Flame-eyed Cyclops by Ishikawa Ritake and Usazaki Shiro
Xドレーク アロサウルス
ササキ トリケラトプス
ブラックマリア クモクモの実 古代種 ロサミガレ・グラウボゲリィ
フーズ・フー ネコネコの実 古代種 サーベルタイガー
 ジンベエを七武海の頃見かけたことがあるらしい 素顔を見せろとジンベエは言うが拒否
うるティ ページワンは割愛

Source: 5ch


Pepebusi Spammer
new update from Redon


 ジンベエを七武海の頃見かけたことが あ る ら し い 素 顔 を 見 せ ろ と ジ ン ベ エ は 言 う が 拒 否
う る テ ィ ペ ー ジ ワ ン は 割愛
- Who's Who already knew Jinbe from his Shichibukai days
- Jinbe says “show your true face” to Who’Who, but Who'Who refuses to take off his mask.
- And at the end of the chapter Ace's silhouette comes out
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Full summary, thanks to redon from Arlong Park Forums.

Chapter 998: "Ancient Model".

In the cover, Enel is listening music while is lying on a huge fat cat.

Kaidou's men are shocked to see that their captain has an ability to lift the entire island.

In the Live Floor, Marco burns Chopper with his blue flames. The flames are not hot but they help to slow down the Koorioni. Miyagi (the goat Mink doctor) and Tristan (the squirrel Mink nurse) will help Chopper create antidote.

In an awesome double spread, Marco use his fire power to cover the entire room. The flames help to accelerate everyone's body heat and slow down the Koorioni. Chopper uses this chance to create antidote. Marco offers to take the Mugiwara Pirates to Onigashima's roof. The yakuzas will help to protect Chopper from Kaidou's men while he makes medicine.

Injured Apoo gets up and try to take the antibody back but X Drake transforms into Allosaurus (it's the first time we see him in full form, cool spikes on the back of his body). Then he grabs Apoo with his mouth and stops him. X Drake will stay in the Live Floor and will help to protect Chopper too.

Luffy and Jinbe reaches the 4th floor of Onigashima. It seems there are many strong enemies on this floor, so Jinbe says Luffy he will stay in the 4th floor while Luffy goes ahead by himself. Jinbe adds.

Jinbe: "Maybe Sanji sensed a strong enemy and went to stop him."

Luffy: "I see. My obeservation Haki isn't good enough then."

Sasaki Vs. Franky. In another huge double spread Sasaki transforms, he's the user of the Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Triceratops.

Sanji is running around the 3rd floof, he's unable to fight since his enemy are all women. Black Maria transforms into giant spider, she's the user of the Kumo Kumo no Mi, Model: Rosamygale grauvogeli. We can see Black Maria hanging upside down from the ceiling in a huge spread, her upper body is human but her lower body is spider. Sanji asks if he's in Heaven, because there's only women in the room.

Back to the 4th floor, it's called "Cat Cafe". Jinbe is facing Who's Who and his entire crew (the crew is cat-themed). Who's Who transforms too, he's the user of the Neko Neko no Mi, Model: Saber-toothed tiger.

Who's Who calls Jinbe "former Shichibukai". Jinbe says he's the helmsman of Mugiwara Pirates now and tells Who's Who to use the title with more value to it.

Who's Who: "Oh, sorry about that. It's just that I had a chance to see you when you were still a Shichibukai."

Jinbe: "Uh?? I wonder if I'll know who you are if I see your real face."

Who's who: "Hehe. I'm not letting you see it."

In another fantastic double spread, we can see Ulti and Page One in dinosaur form. They are bursting through walls together searching for Nami and Usopp. Hihimaru (the baboon) was already beaten.

Cut to Onigashima's storeroom. Yamato and Momonosuke are hiding near huge dragon statue. The dragon's face is deformed as if it has been punched by something really hot. Momonosuke asks what is this.

Yamato explains that this statue uses to be placed at the entrance of the island, but "her friend" destroyed it, so it was thrown away in here.

Momonosuke: "Your friend?"

Yamato: "Yes. A guy who came here to kill my father many years ago."

In the bakground, we see flame and Ace's silhouette...

End of chapter. No break next week.


Pepebusi Spammer
Translation from @PuckTheGreat , Thank you!!

Maria : Didn't you say you loved me earlier?
Maria : Ufufu <3 stay here for the rest of your life. I'll keep you company <3
Sanji : huff...huff
Sanji : I must leave...!!
Sanji : But...
Sanji : Wherever I look....
Sanji : Women
??? : Kyahaha
Sanji : Women
??? : Ufufu
Sanji : And more Women...
Sanji : Is this heaven?
??? : This guy is nuts!!


Pepebusi Spammer
Another translation thanks to @PuckTheGreat , but some panel doesn't get translated because so blurry.

Marco : Roronoa
Marco : If you want to get to the roof then I'll fly you there
Marco : (2 text bubble cant be translated by Puck because of blurry)
Brook : But Chopper is....
Yakuza Boss : Rest easy mister skeleton! I'll protect him!!
Samurai : Bosses, we are depending on you!
Apoo : Wait you bastard....huff
Chopper : ??? (another blur text)
Apoo : ??? (another blur text)
Brook : This won't be easy!!
Drake : !!?
Drake : Rrarrrr!
Apoo : Argh!
??? : Drake!!? Like I though he's fully transformed into a Dinosaur!
Apoo : Ugh!
Drake : If you really think of me as an ally then leave this place to me and go!!
Zoro : ??? (blurry text)
Post automatically merged:

Inside the castle - 4th floor
Jinbe : Sanji might have sensed a powerful enemy & is stopping them for us as we speak
Luffy : Now that you mention it! (He might!)
Luffy : Seems like I'm still lacking in observation haki!!
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From Sandman of AP forum :

Thank you for the spoilers, redon!

- Jump cover pages of chapter 999 and 1000 are connected.
Current Shonen Jump mangakas draw many OP characters in the cover pages.

- Poster color spread for chapter 999 is the largest one in Shonen Jump history.

- Interestingly enough, Marco's move is written as "鳳梨礫" in kanji.
It means "Rubbles of pineapple". lol
The kanji 鳳 stands for "phoenix".
The furigana for 鳳梨礫 is Nashi-no-Tsubute, which means "not getting a reply."

Kudos to Oda's well-thought-out naming :)

credit @jamjamstyle from NF

Fodder: EH!? Onigashima is floating!??
Fodder: We won't end up falling right?
Fodder: Who'd thought Kaido-san was also capable of a feat like that!!
Fodder: That aside, why the hell is "Marco the Phoenix" here!!
Fodder: Whose side is he on anyway?
Chopper: Gyaaaaaaa!!
??: Chopper!!?
Zoro: OI!!
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credit @jamjamstyle from NF

Marco: Getting hot over there?
Chopper: Hm?
Chopper: Even though I'm in flames, I'm not burning at all
Chopper: It's holding down and surpressing the virus
Goat: Chopper Sensei!!!
Chopper: Ah // Miyagi // Tristan!!
Miyagi: An antidote has been developed, hurry up and get over here
Tristan: We'll help out!!
Tristan: Kya
Miyagi: Uwahhh-- A pack of ice demons
Chopper: AHHH!!! Both of you, get out of there fast!!!
Marco: Either way, it's the whole bunch
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credit @jamjamstyle from NF

Franky: LAUNCHER---!!
Fodder: Uwaahh // Gu // Gya
Sasaki: Get out of the way you lot!!!
Franky Shogun: Hmm!?? // Owa
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credit @jamjamstyle from NF

First page half:

Marco covers everyone with his fire

Marco: "PINEAPPLE STONES" (I'm not kidding, that's what it translates to, 鳳梨= pineapple, 礫 = pebble or stone)
Fodder: Gyaaaaaaaa // Guoo/ It's hot, hot, hot!!!
Fodder: It's h-- hmm? actually... it's not that hot...
Fodder: Aahhh // It's stopping
Yakuza boss: Eh... I'm...
Fodder samurai: The boss's -- blurry ---

The kanji in these pages are quite blurry and I might wait for some better scans.
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