Who Will Woronoa Woro One Shot Next?

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That should occur this year but I bet it will take ~6 months give or take.
Holy crab dont think it take thats long :josad:
Would a pound ho cut through fire? Air doesnt extinguish fire right?
I think poundho concept is slicing air like mihawk slash, fire without air will estinguised by itself. Maybe look like those but who knows hope its not copy pasted other technique
Nah you’re absolutely right. Portrayal shows Kid/Killer are the strongest pirates in the strongest sea. Oda did a poor job conveying that, he should of have Kid defeat a few commanders as well.

Going forwards I expect a bit of background on the Kid Pirates adding stronger folk to their crew etc to parallel Luffy.

Until then he is just a foil
Don't worry you're betting on the right horse


Welcome to the House of Hope
Isn't it consensus that EL powerups all came out of nowhere?
Using the flames on his swords isn't really "he can cut fire now".
The foreshadowing of a "fire cutting technique" came with Kinemon.
Not only that, unless you have some kind of magical sword, setting the blade on fire actually takes a toll on it and will deteriorate it faster, making it good for one time use, but trash on the long run. Looks pretty, but it's bad AF.
Or are Zoro's swords.........
If he used Enma to cut the fireball, i'm gonna laugh. Ngl.
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