Who Will Woronoa Woro One Shot Next?

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What happened to the hero Garp and Sengoku the Buddha? don't they have Ryou?
The 2x1 against SHIKI was a sign of their weakness.
Kaido was really playing at being caught by the navy all this time.
The Navy uses vegapunk and inventions to capture it, since admirals are weak.
And you can't hurt him. Kaido really is the crazy life of one piece.:goatasure::goatasure:
first he tests the guy's level, making him hit him. When he finds out that he is unable to hurt him, it is no longer a fight.:doffytroll::doffytroll:
You understand Zoro used a basic move (the same move he used on Killer) right? We still haven’t seen anything

The fact is he used a low tier move on Kaido to cut him. And that worked effectively.
He still openly admits that it's because of Enma's power that he is able to achieve that, but he needs to be able to draw out more of that power, cause the amount he can use now isn't enough.

Without Enma, Zoro does no damage.

Slash Slash BigSlash

If Kaido is seeing Shanks with Oden and the rest of guys that can beat him, This pretty much confirms that he is not strongest at all. And if shanks can beat him we already know few more guys who can beat his ass. He probably isn't even top 5 currently Alive characters.

That so-called title is so called title. WSM and WSS reigns supreme. :finally:

I guess this proves one more thing as most of One Piece Community is as gullible if not more than the people living inside OP's world. Next time hopefully they'll know to differentiate between the actual title and a rumour.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
How are they similar?
Nani? Well, Oden and Luffy are almost the exact same character first of all. Rayleigh also perceived Roger and Luffy as similar, and Whitebeard and Roger were also paralleled many times. Shanks isn’t similar to Luffy at all but Shanks is a garbage fanservice character so Oda threw him in because why not lol. Shanks exists in this manga to pander to idiots and should have died in chapter 1.

Those 5 are the top people Kaido fought. Mihawk gets a pass but not your Navy boys who Kaido challenged
The navy defeated Kaido though? Multiple times lol.

And not even the Admirals, nameless Navy soldiers defeated Kaido before.
"Roger, Whitebeard, Oden, Shanks and Rocks"

I'm guessing these are the people Kaido got defeated by , Only 2 are missing to complete the 7 Defeats ? Any guesses ?

It's clear not BigMom and I doubt it's Shiki so Garp/sengoku or someone we don't know yet or someone completely random
:milaugh:How are they similar? Is it a coincidence that Kaido talks about people who can fight him and then it shows PK tier characters??? :bamathink:

Those 5 are the top people Kaido fought. Mihawk gets a pass but not your Navy boys who Kaido challenged :youcraz:

What is this supposed to prove? The fact that it said Shanks has the highest bounty should tell you what credibility it has.
Because, unlike Mihawk's it can be contradicted
Literally the marines are always busy unlike the yonkous, if they send an admiral out, some yonkou or top tier pirate or even a rev can swoop in literally
it's a 2 v 1
Rev and Pirates Vs Marines
So Luffy, Kidd and Law compete with each other while Zoro competes with Killer :kizabat:
It's always been this way.

Luffy Kid Law

Zoro now has Killer

Killer suddenly loved by everybody, huh? This is the proof that most of you can't spot gold at first sight :kriwhat:
Killer getting the come up of the century

He's Zoro's rival in the Supernova of course he's gold. I need a Killer signature myself

As if it needed saying after chapter 1000
These are indeed the top 5 sn
I just don't want to see any disrespect of Killer or anyone up on that fucking roof anymore. They're clearly being showcased as monsters and top 5 supernova. All we can do now is watch these 5 supernova as they shape the new era :steef:
Roof top level

Kaido looks mad hard bodied tho I still don't see how they beat him

Big mom is just kinda hanging out rn
Who the fuck cares if Garp was in some silhouettes or not?

His hype is tied to Roger himself, not some Fucking silhouettes that Kaido sees.

- Roger said that they fought each other multiple times, that they pushed each other extremely far.
- Garp/Roger defeated Rocks, again, portraying Roger/Garp as equals.

Garp is stronger than Kaido based on his own hype, this doesn't even need to be said, but oh well.
How does him not having full mastery over Enma make him look bad at this point. It's Kaido, not some random headliner

Zoro cuts Kaido

You: He DiD NoThInG

Also spoken like a true Zoro Hater
I didn't say he did nothing. I said superficial damage at best, and that's because of Enma. Love seeing you Zoro fans back pedal, now on how strong Zoro is, and how he was going to cause all this massive damage to Kaido, but now superficial damage suffices, and it's OK because he'll get there.

You guys talked all that shit for months, and it all came crashing down in a single chapter.
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