Recent content by сука

  1. сука

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1113 Spoilers Discussion

    "Is that a strong character with a sword? Let me explain to you why they're stronger than the world's strongest swordsman" Every fucking time Make no mistake tho, Nusjuro still mid diffs Kekainu.
  2. сука

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1113 Spoilers Discussion

    Yo guys I'm reading Dressrosa right now and it looks like WANJI is about to fight the fucking arc villain Doflamingo next chapter. It's so over for Zolo boys. I'm willing to bet my buttplug he will look good against him too; after all my hero Wanji always delivers!
  3. сука

    General & Others Do you think the story will get better if Oda doesn't treat Sanji like a hypetool anymore?

    Wins fights and says cool lines = shallow and one dimensional, dumb fanbase, etc. Jobs and cries about shit = complex, sophisticated character with a fanbase that appreciates good writing, muh "deeper meaning", etc. :risitavirus:
  4. сука

    Anime & Manga One Piece Spoilers - The Wailing Room

    Damn, comparing your reading comprehension to Katakuri's powerlevel? At least you're honest...
  5. сука

    Anime & Manga One Piece Spoilers - The Wailing Room

    The real question is why is he being mentioned in the first place? We are discussing the strongest (King), not entry level YC1.
  6. сука

    Controversial Proof that Mihawk is not the WSS

    Yonko is yonko. Also do your parents know you're a redditor? Sounds like something you would rather keep a secret judging by your outburst.
  7. сука

    Controversial Proof that Mihawk is not the WSS

    and we know when you become Yonko your powerlevel magically grows 10x, just like what happened with Buggy. A true scholar of reddit powerscaling I see.
  8. сука

    Episode Discussion One Piece Episode 1101 - The Strongest Form of Humanity! The Seraphim's Abilities!

    Imagine Zoro using ACoC and Asura to defeat a character for a few panels, only for the same character to be later one-shotted by Luffy. We wouldn't hear the end of it.
  9. сука

    Character Discussion Strawhats' Performances Egghead Arc Rankings (1060 - 1112)

    This image got hundreds of upvotes on reddit. Need I say more?
  10. сука

    Fanclub EthanBaron V. Nasujuro a.k.a ''Ghandhi'' Fanclub

  11. сука

    Zoro no diffs Rocks. Their feats speak for themselves.

    Zoro no diffs Rocks. Their feats speak for themselves.
  12. сука

    One Piece Chapter 1112: " Hard Aspect"

    So did Oda forget that condom cannot get hurt by blunt impact or did Warcury use hardening which was stronger than condom's level 3 AcOA?