Recent content by Arthur Fleck

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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1113 Spoilers Discussion

    Vice admiral was really one shot. No trace of those Vice Admirals in this chapter!!! LOL:fransuper:
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1113 Spoilers Discussion

    Commented this last week. Interesting thing in this chapter about Nusjuro. Each Gorosei might have an attribute that they are great at. Boar -> toughness Horse -> agility Bird -> destructive Saturn -> maybe lethality(with poison) Worm -> I don't know yet
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1113 Spoilers Discussion

    So far only Mars hasn't been embarassed. Mars might really be the top guys in the group.
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    Future Events The biggest proof to Blackbeard NOT being the final villain is the amount of times his crew got rekt

    Am I the only one who believes BB will be the next PK? I believe the difference between BB and the other characters who wants to become PK(except Luffy ofc) is that BB will succeed. But he will fail to claim One Piece. Luffy will be the third PK and will claim One Piece.
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    Character Discussion Kizaru’s Egghead Character Arc

    Too much drama if you ask me. Almost feels the same as Shirahoshi, Rebecca, Vivi, Kaya and others on their own arc.
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    Future Events The biggest proof to Blackbeard NOT being the final villain is the amount of times his crew got rekt

    His roar never damage anyone and was deflected by the giants. That is just your assumption, it has no basis at all. I could also say that at final war, Sabo, Kidd and Law will fight Akainu, Greenbull and Fuji. I have a basis on why I think the gorosei ain't gonna be part of the main...
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    Future Events The biggest proof to Blackbeard NOT being the final villain is the amount of times his crew got rekt

    As a group, yes they are a threat to Luffy but individually, they aren't stronger than Luffy, especially once their regen trick is up. We have seen Villains before not using their final forms before their defeat like Jack.
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    General & Others Would The Navy Have To Send An Admiral After Franky?

    I don't know what's worse, Franky one shots VA or a 12 yr old low diffs a VA.
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    Future Events The biggest proof to Blackbeard NOT being the final villain is the amount of times his crew got rekt

    I believe they will still have at least one power creep. And we should remember that these guys are the ones that would fight Brook, Chopper, Nami and Ussop.
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    Future Events The biggest proof to Blackbeard NOT being the final villain is the amount of times his crew got rekt

    I don't think Oda would waste chapters starting Pre-TS for BB to be just an arc villain. Especially with Gorosei showing their final forms, the possibility that they will be final villains have gone down.
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1112 Spoilers Discussion

    Working overtime, I see.:pepecorn:
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1112 Spoilers Discussion

    Expecting lots of Threads comparing Yonko and Gorosei after this chapter. Most of it will be from admiral stans.:brootea:
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1112 Spoilers Discussion

    Based on what the gorosei are doing, it seem like Mars is actually higher in command than the other Gorosei. He is the one looking for the transponder which is the most important mission for them right now.