Look at this dude:
So after Hobopa’s fraudulent fandom credit got humiliatingly ruined by Han rookies, Kingdom fans decided they needed a new outlet to unleash their inner retard on, and now we have Bum To Un the shittiest 2v1 fighter in the whole manga and Jobkuomi’s wife.
Bum To Un fans...
I don’t think the actual battle is over yet? Eitei Plains is done but the battle seems to be still going.
Anyway I give Eitei Plains a B or a C. One of the weaker Kingdom battles if viewed as a standalone battle, which I don’t think the battle is done yet.
“Trolling Sento’Un” is the lie this guy’s fans tell themselves to make themselves feel better about their idolo being entertained by Rokuomi’s strength lmfao.
Real top tiers aren’t entertained by Rokuomi, they swat him aside with ease as Yoko did multiple times. Only someone clearly below Yoko...
Yes easily. Sento’Un easily fought the weakest duo and failed to accomplish anything. Shiryou and Akou both fought a stronger duo, and Akou nearly killed Bananji while Shiryou did kill Jiaga.
Notice how Rokuomi never had any moment like this with Yoko:
Yoko is pingponging Rokuomi no diff...
Why? Because Sento’Un trolled Jobkuomi? Ranbihaku alone was too much for Sento’Un to overwhelm. Akou’s and Shiryou’s 2v1 feats are both far superior Sento’Un’s feat of 2v1ing Ranbihaku and trash and then failing to get a leg up on Ranbihaku 1v1.
And nah Yoko should be above Gyou’Un who was...
No one thought he would be stronger than Yoko, they thought he would be able to kill Yoko. People used stats to scale Yoko relative to Sento’Un (wrong) and then used Rokuomi’s 92 being above Akou’s 91 (wrong) to say that someone like Rokuomi could potentially slay a guy like Gaimou since Akou...
Which is still a complete load of bullshit as that moment was Tou and secondarily Shouheikun.
This is Yoko Yoko literally performing a superior intellectual feat to his own commander despite being a warrior. Rakuakan may have stuck around to die by Tou if Yoko hadn’t been the one to talk sense...
Tou glazing Yoko Yoko
Truly the Han goat, Rakuakan and Hakuokoku should be demoted and Yoko Yoko should be the Han commander.
Even Han’s best warrior acknowledging that Yoko Yoko is damn smart for a warrior
@Cichy @Rumble yall still think Kyoukai has more IQ feats than this man? Has Kyoukai...
I ain’t letting you forget that you were wrong about Yoko Yoko. You denied the YOKENING and actually thought Jobkuomi could take him lol. The YOKENING came all the same.
Why would you post this on an anime forum lmfao, what type of information do you think awaits you here
OT: Guys usually lie about being taller, I think it’s dumb to say guys “should” do it especially if you’re already 6’3 without needing to lie lol.
The girls you see on Tik Toks online saying...
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