Recent content by GalaxyLevelShanks

  1. GalaxyLevelShanks

    No one's this is my first account lol

    No one's this is my first account lol
  2. GalaxyLevelShanks

    General & Others Who’s more attractive Nami or Robin

    Used to be Robin but recently over the past year I have started finding Nami more attractive maybe cause my milf addiction kinda died out I prefer younger girls around my age like Nami
  3. GalaxyLevelShanks

    General & Others Powerscalers (Agenda Aside) is there a way that your favorite character can not be one of the strongest and that not be an issue for you?

    I couldn't care less if shanks is the strongest or not even though he is in my opinion At the end of the day, he's going to be wanked like crazy cause he's oda's golden boy and going to be one of the most important characters in the series who will hopefully get a great character arc...
  4. GalaxyLevelShanks

    Questions & Mysteries Oda confirms Emperor title > Bigger bounty, WGS + Marine Hunter titles

    Yeah, so it depends on whether it’s confirmed whether BB did do something tangible (which I don’t rule out) in the time the strawhats were in Wano. But if it turns out BB didn’t do anything much (there’s nothing hinting towards it for now other than the bounty) then my guess would be 2.2B was...
  5. GalaxyLevelShanks

    Questions & Mysteries Will One Piece’s Ending Be Satisfying or leave people Unsatisfied?

    People already treat post timeskip worse than propaganda books written by dictators. Obviously not everyone will have a satisfying ending
  6. GalaxyLevelShanks

    Questions & Mysteries Oda confirms Emperor title > Bigger bounty, WGS + Marine Hunter titles

    I don't think anything happened. To me, 2.2B was the bounty more appropriate for Yami Teach portrayal while 3.9B was the bounty for Emperor Teach portrayal
  7. GalaxyLevelShanks

    General & Others Being Objective which of these Volumes is the Best?

    Was gonna say Elbaf but Elbaf only became "peak" after Gunko and Shamrock arrived so it's gotta be Egghead
  8. GalaxyLevelShanks

    Character Discussion Doflamingo vs Katakuri character-wise

    I like Katakuri as a character but Mingo takes all 3 rounds and it isn't particularly close lol
  9. GalaxyLevelShanks

    Controversial Who is the biggest hater/downplayer of every character?

    Loki is stronger than admirals lil bro
  10. GalaxyLevelShanks

    Speculations Shanks' treason - Is Shanks the person who draw the Pentragam in the destroyed castle?

    oda has embarrassed these clowns enough they can't comprehend the amount of Ls they're taking so they rely on pure headcanon to cope with the fact Shanks is too perfect:suresure::suresure: why argue with Shanks haters when you can just wait?:myman::gokulaugh:
  11. GalaxyLevelShanks

    Hunger Games: WG Edition

    Let me in
  12. GalaxyLevelShanks

    General & Others A Look Back At The Dumbest Agenda In OP History - Onigashima Size Scaling

    Sizescaling the manga most notorious for its height inconsistencies is something else lol With that said, Onigashima definitely appears bigger than Marineford but its not some moon sized country or some bullshit
  13. GalaxyLevelShanks

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1142 Spoilers Discussion

    White nika good and black nika bad odarse's racist japanese side showing...
  14. GalaxyLevelShanks

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1142 Spoilers Discussion

    Knew oda was dropping too many good chapters in a row. Had to drop a garbage stinker to balance it out:gokulaugh:
  15. GalaxyLevelShanks

    General & Others Who else is joining the 5B Bounty Gang?

    Didn't the WG start covering Xebec's existence up after GV?