Lol at Low and Lidd fans who actually thought they would do something. They barely beat Big Loss who was a joke :whitepress:
A few hits on Bb who takes hits like a champ doesn't mean shit.
Was there any doubt? Low is an honorary Strawhat at the point and Lidd is Shidd. Oda gave them the same bounty to give some pity hype to their respective fanbases but Luffy was always so superior, it wasn't even close. :vistalaugh:
What did people expect? He was facing someone with over 25 years of built up hype. Shanks wouldn't get into his first ever real fight and lose. :endthis:
I feel like he had a better head on his shoulder preTS - that conversation with Vivi in Arabasta comes to mind. PostTS, he doesn't have many displays of maturity and he's become more of a caricature of what someone would think Luffy is. However, I really liked the way he was made to handle...
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