Recent content by kekaro

  1. kekaro

    Controversial Who is more controversial for their own respective series' fanbases? Sasuke or Zoro?

    And we all know who inherited their will in one piece :Gaban_Smug:
  2. kekaro

    Controversial Who is more controversial for their own respective series' fanbases? Sasuke or Zoro?

    Zoro being the biggest cocksucker of luffy comparing him to his fanbase here and their stance on luffy is one of the funniest shit ever Its almost as if oda does it to troll and they ignore this point as best as they could
  3. kekaro

    Controversial Who is more controversial for their own respective series' fanbases? Sasuke or Zoro?

    Sasuke is a well written character and a favorite of kishimoto, to the point where people called the period of him "killing" Orochimaru to the kage summit Sharingan chronicles, for people that read when it was currents Zoro gets memed on that his family connection got sbsed and several plot...
  4. kekaro

    Character Discussion This is a real rivalry

    The thread shattered my last hope for human evolution :ronalugh:
  5. kekaro

    Le Fishe Thread TCB should be ashamed for their hidden agenda

    Professional world strongest victims 1742813263 Give me death give me fire Give me no job or I retire :sanjismug:
  6. kekaro

    General & Others There was never a Charachter in Fiction that threw off the Fanbase of a certain Show as Zoro does with the One Piece Fanbase.

    Professional victim complex with delusion pairing, hell of a stuff :shocked:
  7. kekaro

    Character Discussion This is a real rivalry

    imagine you are such a dumb mofo you get bodied by ANE in one reply :josad:
  8. kekaro

    Character Discussion Fujitora destroys both Garp's and Garling's characters

    Garp just cares about fighting (Roger) There is a myriad of characters like that in one piece, some of them very well liked here Most people that say he doesnt care that he doesnt use his power and using it to do good or something are capping hard
  9. kekaro

    Character Discussion Will Benn Beckman deliver good?

    Data book merchant for 30 years till the end 0 character 0 Relevance for the themes of the story Just another le epic powerlevelman
  10. kekaro

    Powers & Abilities The possibility of more users with FS appearing drops drastically after EGG.

    FS is an ability that is pretty limited in use if the user is not considerable fast. As in close as fast or faster as his opponent. Pretty much similiar to the pre-recognition ability of the sharingan from naruto Last demonstration of it showed this also, Shanks could only enact on his FS...
  11. kekaro

    Le Fishe Thread Forced parallels

    While i find myself oda spells out things too much (and its not only parallels either, its also opponents, as the recent chapter) i cant but ignore that most people here are a) over the intended primary age range of One piece b) dont get the most basic shit if its not spelled out (See Wano...
  12. kekaro

    Future Events Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro is going to be Zoro's most powerful opponent ever

    Only WG will gas up a clash where one side gets baby boosted Truly zorogen peak :josad:
  13. kekaro

    Anime & Manga One Piece Spoilers - The Waiting Room

    Aint no way bro showed up to kick with jogging pants :josad: