I also hope that we will find Luffy soon
If the story is as interesting, great etc...
It's because with these secondary characters we see directly their interesting and important moments because it's Luffy and his crew who have the long moments, boring etc. ... since they are the protagonists...
I think so, there is a great chance that she can join the crew.
First of all, Oda did not say "no! she will never join the crew".
Unlike Vivi who made us understand that even if she is considered Straw Hats etc.. she will always choose Arabasta even more with the recent events of the manga...
Hi, I am new and this is the first comment that I post
I think that ALL the crew of the King of Pirates must have the haki of armament and the haki of observation.
First of all because Robin Nami Brook Usopp Chopper and Franky will gain in power and will be less of a liability in battle. And...
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