Recent content by minamoto

  1. minamoto

    i won't alow it..

    i won't alow it..
  2. minamoto

    dont breath all teh earth's oxigene..

    dont breath all teh earth's oxigene..
  3. minamoto

    it's time to wake up..

    it's time to wake up..
  4. minamoto

    stop talking behint my bak..

    stop talking behint my bak..
  5. minamoto

    Theory Major Plot Twist Theory : TEH ONE PIECE TREZOR WILL BE DESTROYED!!!..

    i------------->. I wanted to share a theory that’s been on my mind for a while. I believe the One Piece treasure will be destroyed when it’s finally found. Not by a villain, but by someone who values peace over power. This could be one of the most shocking twists in the story.. Why Would the...
  6. minamoto

    zéro testicles profile is open go comit 126 ataks on it..

    zéro testicles profile is open go comit 126 ataks on it..
  7. minamoto

    Shut yo bitch ass up before it get serious..

    Shut yo bitch ass up before it get serious..
  8. minamoto

    u stil telete coments like foder.. cuz foderz can't fight bakkk!!!..

    u stil telete coments like foder.. cuz foderz can't fight bakkk!!!..
  9. minamoto

    kipoga must make move now..

    kipoga must make move now..
  10. minamoto


  11. minamoto

    tu pis moi of..

    tu pis moi of..
  12. minamoto

    raméne moi le café..

    raméne moi le café..
  13. minamoto

    it's nearing..just wait and see..mecha heart ftw!!!!..

    it's nearing..just wait and see..mecha heart ftw!!!!..
  14. minamoto

    salit mon frend zezo..

    salit mon frend zezo..
  15. minamoto

    escuze me geyz u hapen to know where teh sektion of poetry is????..

    escuze me geyz u hapen to know where teh sektion of poetry is????..