Recent content by MonsterZoroe

  1. M

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1053 Spoilers Discussion

    Best comment I have read on this chapter,which is a tragedy especially going into a break month.:goyea:
  2. M

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1053 Spoilers Discussion

    How do you know?They have been confirmed by spoiler providers,atleast apparently.
  3. M

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1053 Spoilers Discussion

    You can view them is the spoiler summaries thread.Unless these aren't the real spoilers!!!:queenhear:
  4. M

    Well, Zoro,first of course and Luffy second. Jinbe,third. Katakuri,fourth. Sanji,fifth...

    Well, Zoro,first of course and Luffy second. Jinbe,third. Katakuri,fourth. Sanji,fifth. Robin,sixth. Haven't given much thought to the others. I don't like Eustass Kidd bcoz he wants to/his dream is to be the most evil among pirates.He is basically competing with Blackbeard is that department.So...
  5. M

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1053 Spoilers Discussion

  6. M

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1053 Spoilers Discussion

    Well I still remember the luffy's 1.5billion bounty chapter,I was more hyped for it than Marvel's Avenger endgame.I believe the two were released on close by dates in 2019.
  7. M

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1053 Spoilers Discussion

    Hey @T.D.A tell him you and I are not the same person! Uh...who am I kidding? This is just one of TAC's baits to goad @T.D.A into talking,isn't it?:few:
  8. M

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1053 Spoilers Discussion

    Well Monsterzoro was taken so had to take the next best guess:fransuper:.
  9. M

    Hello everyone!

    Thanks:rosismile:.Longtime lurker here and was also one in the orojackson days.
  10. M

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1053 Spoilers Discussion

    Yo!Hi bro,wassup?:funky:
  11. M

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1053 Spoilers Discussion

    For a second I thought this was real but then I realized there hasn't been a new celestial dragon family for 100 years,even Nefertari family are considered betrayers internally.:milaugh::myman:.But this is good shit.:gokulaugh:.
  12. M

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1053 Spoilers Discussion

    And by favors, what do you mean?What kind of favors?:madmonk::madmonk:
  13. M

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1053 Spoilers Discussion

    O boy and from here it begins.:suresure:
  14. M

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1053 Spoilers Discussion

    Man,if that's true I am willing to forsake early spoilers because Luffy,Law and Kid having the same bounties is just horrendous.