Recent content by Muffinyaru

  1. Muffinyaru

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1077 Spoilers Discussion

    man if Usopp somehow doesn't get like an actual Sanji-level arc in Elbaf(which I don't think he will at all) then idk what the fuck is Oda trying to do with him anymore :milaugh: it's just sad at this point
  2. Muffinyaru

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1077 Spoilers Discussion

    I feel like it's so obvious to point at Shaka that I just can't think of him as a traitor, but maybe that's the point idk I like Shaka tho so I hope he's alive and not traitor lol
  3. Muffinyaru

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1074 Spoilers Discussion

    Vivi being with Morgans is either the best or the worst place she could be in lol
  4. Muffinyaru

    Announcement Rest in Peace, Jmena/Un-amed(we will never forget you)

    Rest in Peace Un-amed, I don't know what to say really. I just hope he's in a better place. Condolences to the family...
  5. Muffinyaru

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1061 Spoilers Discussion

    waifu Vegapunk? :choppawhat::choppawhat:
  6. Muffinyaru

    The baiting Room

    oh my :steef::steef:
  7. Muffinyaru

    The baiting Room

    yeah I kinda don't spend my entire life on anime forum bitching about something irrelevant and acting cool cuz I have thousands of posts there :milaugh:
  8. Muffinyaru

    The baiting Room

    ikr these fucking randoms honestly
  9. Muffinyaru

    The baiting Room

    man how sad is your life that you dedicate few hours every week to express how you hate that one online guy that posts some anime cartoon summaries :whitepress:
  10. Muffinyaru

    The baiting Room

    not CIA but WSJ/Toei can easily sue ur ass for that, is it that hard to comprehend?
  11. Muffinyaru

    The baiting Room

    that doesn't even make sense, it's so easy to track him by that :milaugh: do people not use brain anymore
  12. Muffinyaru

    The baiting Room

    keep whining then:milaugh::milaugh:
  13. Muffinyaru

    The baiting Room

    I want him :endthis:
  14. Muffinyaru

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1060 Spoilers Discussion

    why would they have an interaction, did I miss something :choppawhat: