Old Rayleigh<Kizaru<Luffy<Old Gaban<=Old Rayleigh.
This has been clearly shown by Oda and makes zero sense. If Luffy could handle a man Stronger then Rayleigh how could he not handle a man weaker or equal to Rayleigh.
Honest question. Why is Oda so ass at power scaling? Chapter to chapter, there is zero consistency in characters relative strengths. No other mangaka has this problem to this degree. Its so bad it kills any hype the story would normally have because you can't make any expectations on how a...
Its clear to all but the dimmest ZoroTards that Oda hates Zoro and simply wants to humiliate and downplay for the final saga. The question is why. Why did he suddenly dislike the character? Is it because of how Zoro fans behave? Or does he not know what to write for his character post time skip?
I think this chapter also confirms Shanks is stronger then Roger. Oda said in a interview that Shanks learned divine departure when no other Roger pirate could. Since Gaban and Rayleigh are as strong as Roger, that suggests Shanks surpassed Roger.
People that dislike Sanji just aren't paying attention to the story. Post time skip Sanji is THE straw-hat. His focus, development, and hype dwarf all the others. Zoro got a little hype during Roof Piece but Oda rectified that really quick after he saw the fans reaction. He is not interested in...
Its crazy that one week ago the idea that Zoro would be close to Roger EOS was just the delusion of ZoroTards. Now Oda confirmed that not only will Zoro be stronger then Rodger, but Sanji will also be stronger.
Hype chapter. We could be getting a Luffy vs Loki and Two Gods Knights chapter soon. :shocked::shocked:
Oda might even throw Zoro a bone and have Luci return for a fight. :steef::steef:
Remember When Zoro deflected Kaidos attack, scarred him and made him bleed multiple time? Sanji stans ashured us this didnt matter because Kaido wasn't knocked over. Knocking over your opponent is more impressive then making them bleed. Now Zoro has over powered Nusjuro and sent him flying. Now...
Zoro fans are just setting themselves up for a disappointing final saga. Oda doesn't like Zoro anymore. What does Oda have to do? Literally have Zoro crap himself in fear of a returned Arlong while Sanji no diffs Mihawk? Oda likes Sanji now. He is the new vice captain. Zoro was the vice captain...
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