Nobody is more relevant then Kaido's opinion when it comes to strength. Your examples mainly contributes fame in the equation, to which Oden doesn't have
That's all that matters when Kaido had first hand experience in facing Xebec and Whitebeard. Also fighting the Roger Pirates to make his...
Its really simple, especially with the lore drop on the recent chapter.
The Gorosei and Shamrock's sword intentionally not classified after a DF means it's not meant to be understood as a DF classification
1. There was no mentioned of Rain God in these text so it doesn't work.
2. Ancient weapons are still considered "God's" so Rain most likely just another name of another Ancient weapon.
So we know Sea God in this text was referred to be Poseidon in the past.
1. Kuma
2. Luffy
3. Blackbeard
4. Ace
5. Big Mom
6. Kaido
7. Jinbei
8. WB
9. Roger
10. Law
I'm surprised having Jinbei over WB. Probably cause I like Primebeard looks over Old
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