Recent content by PojokOP

  1. PojokOP

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1067 Spoilers Discussion

    Dragon use / reveal new expression he never do, ibguess
  2. PojokOP

    Poll: Based off Jimbei's bounty is it fair to say Who's Who was stronger than Queen?

    Bounties slightly measure power. But overall, it measure threat according to Marine's Scout..
  3. PojokOP

    Poll: Based off Jimbei's bounty is it fair to say Who's Who was stronger than Queen?

    I think Jinbei's Raise is caused by not only beating Who's Who. It's also because he reportedly "be able to run away" From Big Mom Pirates full force attacks. And yes, a re-activate bounties after the shichibukai. It would be that 3 aspect at the very least.
  4. PojokOP

    Theory SPACE PIRATE CAPTAIN Theory - One Piece Chapter 1066

    Greetings... This is my first comment (beside the Registration). Please be kind to me 😅 Yes I heard about that theory aswell. Saying that Tenryūbito is come from the Moon (I forgot about the shandian). Assuming this theory was true, I'd like to theorize that Moon was a place only Filled with all...
  5. PojokOP

    Hi hi! 🖤❤️🖤❤️🖤

    Welcome fellow new member(s)
  6. PojokOP

    Aw Thank You

    Aw Thank You
  7. PojokOP

    Hai, Halo!

    Thank You! 1666278960 Thank Youuuu
  8. PojokOP

    Hai, Halo!

    Thank You 1666225197 T Thank You, Sir
  9. PojokOP

    Hai, Halo!

    Morning, Nakamas! I'm PojokOP on TikTok. PojokOP is my content to share new spoilers from confirmed leaker(s). My content is in Indonesian Language btw. I am not usually in a 'Forum', so... Please guide me. I wish I do well aswell. I'm pretty confidence with my English to Indonesia...