Recent content by ShiShiShi

  1. ShiShiShi

    Happy New Year!!! 🥳🎆 …though I am late by two weeks :usoprice: Hope you all have been doing...

    Happy New Year!!! 🥳🎆 …though I am late by two weeks :usoprice: Hope you all have been doing well! :smoothy:
  2. ShiShiShi

    It feels like it got more popular in the West around 2021. I went to Gamestop recently and they...

    It feels like it got more popular in the West around 2021. I went to Gamestop recently and they have quite a bit of One Piece merchandise!
  3. ShiShiShi

    You’re not!

    You’re not!
  4. ShiShiShi

    Spoiler My Hero Academia General Spoilers thread

    A romance needs time to develop throughout the series… and it’s usually (or atleast should be) done in the story as a slowly brewing thing that‘s on the side but never forgotten about, unless it’s a slice of life series where it is the focus. I think that’s how it should be. IIRC in Naruto it...
  5. ShiShiShi

    Hope Oda recovers soon. 😥

    Hope Oda recovers soon. 😥
  6. ShiShiShi


    Welcome! :optimistic:
  7. ShiShiShi

    I thought that was Joe Biden in your PFP at first lol

    I thought that was Joe Biden in your PFP at first lol
  8. ShiShiShi

    Why did you repeat Monster Zoro’s Tesla Supplier’s message? :choppawhat:

    Why did you repeat Monster Zoro’s Tesla Supplier’s message? :choppawhat:
  9. ShiShiShi

    here me out why do you sleep like just dont

    I’m sure you’ll live to see another day :catrude:
  10. ShiShiShi

    Controversial Gaming slop compendium

    Indie games are pretty good :neesama:
  11. ShiShiShi

    here me out why do you sleep like just dont

    Threads like these don’t need to be made. You could just make a post on your profile lol. Our bodies need to sleep to regain energy used during the day. You should know this! :choppawhat:
  12. ShiShiShi

    why does school block things

    You’re proving their point :emohiyo:
  13. ShiShiShi

    Controversial Diddy is a Sacrificial Goat to keep the rest of the sex abusers in the Music Industry from going to jail

    Not sure if I’ve ever heard of the “left evil eye hand gesture”, but it sounds creepy :luchosop: