Recent content by SoulKiller

  1. SoulKiller

    Super Role Madness DragonBall Mafia

    Me and @EkkoLoJinx this game lmao!
  2. SoulKiller

    Super Role Madness DragonBall Mafia

    Anyways, was fun playing with you guys and glad to know you guys been holding up well. Take care of yourselfs. Until next time ^^ Peace.
  3. SoulKiller

    Super Role Madness DragonBall Mafia

    Yea, I submitted a kill on ekko last DP and it failed cause they were protected lol. Damn it fuji lol.
  4. SoulKiller

    Super Role Madness DragonBall Mafia

    It was you who protected kekko from my kill......
  5. SoulKiller

    Super Role Madness DragonBall Mafia

    Who did he try to kill? I know he was gonna send my ass to the cosmos lol. No way people don't lynch him if he did right??? right.....
  6. SoulKiller

    Super Role Madness DragonBall Mafia

    Everyone give or take had similar opinion early on, I was just playing trying to find scum, nothing personal bro. I didn't even push you hard. It was 10 pages into the game and mostly was gut feel and moved my vote away from you and stated multiple times my thoughts regarding your slot. Ease...
  7. SoulKiller

    Super Role Madness DragonBall Mafia

    Tsk tsk tsk tsk ratchet chan. I came around both slots being town although hopped back on Michelle, charlie bit later, I tried giving him time to show something, after that investigation was pretty clear cut.
  8. SoulKiller

    Super Role Madness DragonBall Mafia

    I was town Charlie xD had nothing to do with LM, the guy i was going after kekko was LM team mate.
  9. SoulKiller

    Super Role Madness DragonBall Mafia

    I was gonna say Michelle, saw your post toward me. I taught you the ropes in mafia and saw you first hand grow from a beginner to the respectable you are today. Your vote on me really did stink and and you were kinda sheeping and not formulating your own thoughts, I was like why would Michelle...
  10. SoulKiller

    Super Role Madness DragonBall Mafia

    Was the frustration posts geniune? cause real talk, I was like fuji is probably not scum after I read them lol.
  11. SoulKiller

    Super Role Madness DragonBall Mafia

    Didn't use my conditional form sadly, was waiting on goku to become super saiyan for that to happen lol. Wish we saw how all this played out lmao.
  12. SoulKiller

    Super Role Madness DragonBall Mafia

    Yea, she was. Kinda annoyed cause all my kills were going toward scum. I was on a roll lmao. Was sad seeing you go early.
  13. SoulKiller

    Super Role Madness DragonBall Mafia

    Along there with you blue, ride into the sunset for now. Take care of yourself.
  14. SoulKiller

    Super Role Madness DragonBall Mafia

    was black goku serial killer?