then fact is that warlords are meant to be compared to yonko, they are an entire great power, this new information doesnt suprise me at all. This commander>warlords rhetoric that yonko fans been pushig for years never made any sense. Warlords are meant to be compared to yonko, not commanders
doflamingos dad betrayed them and werent allowed back
Anyway there literally a panel that says they tried killing doffy but repeatedly failed. Dofflamingo had the celestial dragons on a leach, hes much stronger
It quite literally means that, its not like they sent regular charloss...
imu is definetly first to be defeated, he will be defeated next arc, reverie, egghead and now elbaf all celestial dragon focused arcs. Its only after the celestial dragon arcs is over will oda move on to different things
now even holy knights will be defeated
Admiral haters kept trying to convince everyone that gorosei/holy knights are the "real endgame" while admirals are the 'blueno" or whatever. Whats hilarious is oda is doing the exact opposite, elaborating on gorosei/holy knights first while reserving...
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