Recent content by Toby D. Dog

  1. Toby D. Dog

    What series are you watching ?

    you guys already think cliffhangers are bad by default. :milaugh:
  2. Toby D. Dog

    What series are you watching ?

    Severance. Best show on TV rn.
  3. Toby D. Dog

    Drizzy 6God Drake VS Kendrick (ALL OUT WAR Thread)

    Elon Musk levels of goofy.
  4. Toby D. Dog

    Drizzy 6God Drake VS Kendrick (ALL OUT WAR Thread)

    You clearly do. You’re already crying to AL because you thought he was taking my side. I’m just warning you. If you keep up this behavior you’ll find yourself in the same place. Your unwillingness to change and recognize your own shortcomings will guarantee that outcome time after time.
  5. Toby D. Dog

    Drizzy 6God Drake VS Kendrick (ALL OUT WAR Thread)

    I never said I don't bait you, I do. What I don't do is follow you through threads and profile posts and pm you harassing you and trying to accuse you of doing things you've never done. I have been mean to you, probably more than I should've. But the fact that you are unable to recognize your...
  6. Toby D. Dog

    Drizzy 6God Drake VS Kendrick (ALL OUT WAR Thread)

    Pestering you? Did I spam all your posts calling you slurs??? If you're gonna troll and play this character of yours in spite of how cringe it is, at least have the decency of not crying when your behavior catches up to you.
  7. Toby D. Dog

    You need to touch grass. Imagine accusing others of having an agenda when you're willing to...

    You need to touch grass. Imagine accusing others of having an agenda when you're willing to replace jobs with AI just because you disagree with their ideology. Disgusting shit, not to mention hypocritical.
  8. Toby D. Dog

    Le Fishe Thread Looks like goofy fans are finished

    Self awareness is a virtue lil bro.
  9. Toby D. Dog

    Le Fishe Thread Looks like goofy fans are finished

    Not as notoriously as zoro fans. Which absolutely fucking sucks for me since I'm a zoro boi too.
  10. Toby D. Dog

    Le Fishe Thread Looks like goofy fans are finished

    man, I need to take over the Zoro fandom and restructure it into a cool, non-toxic community. Why is the core of the Zoro fandom so insecure? Zoro is the goat dog, you don't need to put other characters down in order to prove it.
  11. Toby D. Dog

    Anime & Manga One Piece Spoilers - The Waiting Room

  12. Toby D. Dog

    Anime & Manga One Piece Spoilers - The Waiting Room

    I see you had no character development while you were away. It makes me a little sad.
  13. Toby D. Dog

    Break Week It's so funny how One Piece are so happy that the series became another generic shonen

    I'm talking about its endgame execution, not its peaks.
  14. Toby D. Dog

    Break Week It's so funny how One Piece are so happy that the series became another generic shonen

    The problem with Naruto was always execution.... and kaguya
  15. Toby D. Dog

    Break Week It's so funny how One Piece are so happy that the series became another generic shonen

    You guys truly don't understand the difference between following tropes in an uninspired manner and the execution of said tropes. All stories follow tropes, what makes them great is how they're executed. Even the most unique shonen (HxH) still follows certain tropes almost to a T. You guys...