Break Week Teh hypocricy of Aokiji..

His ice isnt instantly kill saul, luffy was the same. From here i was uncertain whether Kuzan or Akainu order which killed Saul.
So maybe he would save Saul after the fleets back, maybe.

Thats the navy job to a Navy betrayer (as i recall, saul got framed), but not to a resign navy (kuzan) till he does a thing.

Mr. Tuna Sandwich

SII - Sakazuki Incinerate Imu
I admit I did not like his choice to leave the Marine just because he would not support Akainu's justice. Coby also doesn't but he didn't.
Dude an ungrateful failure, got his ass kicked and get some mercy only to be spitful and say fuck you to the one who spare his life and to become a criminal scum
Worst Admiral by far (although cool DF)