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- 챕터 1,034: "타락한 천사" .
- 라이조 vs 후쿠로쿠주
- 후쿠로쿠쥬는 여전히 라이조보다 우월하고 귀로 계속 공격합니다.
- Raizo는 Fukurokuju의 귀를 묶고 사무라이 움직임으로 그를 물리칩니다.
-상디 vs 퀸
-상디는 킹이 조로에게 이길 가능성이 없다고 말한다.
- 여왕은 자신에게 새로운 역병을 주입합니다(변형은 보이지 않음)
- Sanji는 그가 빨리 끝내겠다고 말한다. 상디의 다리 주위에 검은 불꽃이 나타난다.
- 챕터가 끝날 때 King은 그의 검에 불을 주입하고 Zoro에게 오직 한 사람만이 전투에서 살아남을 것이라고 말합니다. 마지막 패널에서 우리는 Zoro와 King 사이의 CoC 충돌을 얻습니다. 오니가시마 두개골이 부서지기 시작합니다.
Open the thread, seems legit :goyea:


Spoiler 1034: a samurai's honor

We see raizou fighting FUKUROKUJU, raizou is almost defeated. The ninja leader says raizou is as strong as he was 20 years ago, but he had 20 more years to get stronger. Raizou has a flashback. He remembers when he and fukurokuju were Best friends and then one day fukurokuju betrayed him and joined orochi.

Raizou stole Something from fukurokuju before he left, IT was the scroll scroll no mi. Raizou uses a new attack called " ancient scrolls of wisdom" and wraps fukurokuju with IT and he is defeated.

Scene change to orochi, he goes to hyiori, but while he is distracted, Denjiro cut him from behind.

Hyiori: You will pay for what You did to this country.

Tama is waching from afar. Daddy orochi....nooo

end, brek next week betches


Spoiler 1034: a samurai's honor

We see raizou fighting FUKUROKUJU, raizou is almost defeated. The ninja leader says raizou is as strong as he was 20 years ago, but he had 20 more years to get stronger. Raizou has a flashback. He remembers when he and fukurokuju were Best friends and then one day fukurokuju betrayed him and joined orochi.

Raizou stole Something from fukurokuju before he left, IT was the scroll scroll no mi. Raizou uses a new attack called " ancient scrolls of wisdom" and wraps fukurokuju with IT and he is defeated.

Scene change to orochi, he goes to hyiori, but while he is distracted, Denjiro cut him from behind.

Hyiori: You will pay for what You did to this country.

Tama is waching from afar. Daddy orochi....nooo

end, brek next week betches
Faker than Yamato's testicles
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