General & Others What was the original name of Onigashima?

I'm 200% certain it's Dawn Island
Same as Luffy's Home

Country of Villains created by Oars mentioned by Moria in Thriller Bark
Is Luffy's Home Island

Oars was a Boy from Wano who turned into Ancient Giant
Due to Discrimination & basically similar Backstory to Sanji or Big Mom
He created a Country where all Outcasts are Welcome
(Luffy's Home Island was basically an Island Version of Sheep's House or Baratie)

They lived as Pirates, and they put all their Treasures inside that Skull which was their Treasure Trove
After Void Century, Wano Samurai needed a New Home
With help of Oars, they created that New Wano (Upper One)
And he brought them Onigashima Skull which contained Countless Gold/Treasure

Oars became known as Continent Puller
While Wano became known as Land of Gold

Oars is also Original Character who had Big Mom's Natural Armor (His Backstory is also related to Elbaf)
However, he was Targeted by World Government so he went to only Place where they won't think of searching & that's Land of Ice
(Possibly he had another reason too)

But after his Death there, his Power was Inherited by his Descendant Oars II
Who was captured by World Government & taken to Punk Hazard to be Experimented on
Those Experiments led to his eventual Death as they created "Numbers"
However even though they were Massive, Strong & ready for War, they were deemed Failures cuz none Inherited Oars Power

Due to this Human Interference, Oars Power wasn't Inherited by Next In Line (Oars III, also known as Little Oars Jr.)
It was instead Inherited by a Human who was came to be known as Natural Born Destroyer (Big Mom)

The Source of this Strength, Size & Armor that both Big Mom & Oars had is simply "Source of Gigantification"
Oars was a Human who consumed a Power Source which created Giants
However, since He was already a Weird Human (He was a Horned Boy just like Kaidou)
His Transformation turned him into Monstrous Version of Giants
(Literally same as Chopper whose Human Zoan Form is Monstrous, and He was a Weird looking Reindeer even before that)

This is also why Punk Hazard Children showed similar Symptoms to Big Mom after their Gigantification Experiment.
However, this isn't the Island's only Importance, as God's Valley Leader is someone who lived on Dawn Island
But due to his/her Conflicting Ideology (He/She prefers Peace rather than Violence), they went to create God's Valley

And i believe God's Valley is Origin of Marine Life & also Sora's Home & where Kuma's Race came from.
They are also Creators of Pluton & Noah mentioned by Sea Kings during Fishmen Island.

God's Valley was so Scientifically Advanced & their only Purpose was to restore "Ancient Kingdom".
This is why Ancient Robot on Egghead resembles an Oni
This is why Kuma is acting right now like that Robot
This is why Marines use Sora to spread their Justice
And this is why Sora had a Transforming Robot & a Seagull (Which became Marine's Mascot or whatever you wanna call it)

So overall, Wano, Dawn Island & God's Valley were Islands linked to Ancient Kingdom
It's Name was "Ryuo Kingdom", which is why Wano named their Haki as "Ryuo" cuz they believed it's Sakura Energy flowing through them
Ryuo means "Flowing Sakura"

That's because Ancient Kingdom was created by a Man whose whole Life changed after finding Sakura Trees
And this was mentioned during Chopper's Flashback (That Man was from West Blue)
Same Sea where Bink's Sake Song originated from
And same Sea where Shanks originated from (Who was found in God's Valley, coincidence? Ofc not)

According to Hiriluk, Sakura Trees were found on Top of a White Mountain
And we've seen that Roger was sitting in a Place full of Sakura Trees with WB (Probably few Days before He Died)
Now do you remember that Roger's Death & Noland's were seen as Reverse?

And everyone noticed that Roger's Name contains "Gold" which is what Noland found
But opposite also applies! Noland's Full Name is Montblanc Noland & Mont Blanc means "White Mountain" in French
So just like Noland found "Gold", then Roger found "White Mountain"
And that's where Roger & WB had their Last Conversation (Which was most probably in West Blue)

Right after Hiriluk told that Story, he explained Pirate Flag & it was a very Important Part of Drum Island Arc
Oda naming it Drum Island isn't Random, do you know what was first thing mentioned about it when they arrived?
Dalton said "It's Kingdom without a Name" & at the End it was named "Sakura Kingdom" which refers to Hiriluk's Dream.
This is clearly Foreshadowing about Nameless Ancient Kingdom which was Named after Dream of a Legendary Man from it

So it was Named Ryuo Kingdom & that Man mentioned by Hiriluk was none other than Joy Boy.
Actually, Hiriluk's Dying Chapter was Titled "Snowy Tale" which again was a Foreshadowing of Joy Boy's Death (Laugh Tale)
So just like Hirilu died with Snow, Joy Boy died with Laughter
(Which is a Running Theme with many Dead Characters in One Piece & most recent one was Yasuie)

However, just like Noland found Gold at first & then he found it's Land was Gone (Referencing his Name Noland = No Land)
Roger also found White Mountain & Sakura Trees but the Treasure that was supposed to carry it was Gone (Roger = Jolly Roger)
Exactly like Hiriluk's Pirate Flag where he Put Sakura on top of Jolly Roger & said "This Flag removes all Impossibilities"!

And all of this being related to Bink's Sake
Brook having an Afro & carrying Bink's Sake Song inside
Onigashima being a Skull too
Shanks being from West Blue, being found on God's Valley, coming to see the End of Wano War
(Similar to Montblanc Cricket who witnessed End of Skypiea)
All of these things aren't Random

So no, Onigashima's Original Name isn't Irrelevant
It's just that Oda wants to reveal Everything all at once, cuz literally Everything is Connected
Whether it's Islands, Characters, Haki, Races, Seas, Treasures ... etc
It's a Story worthy of being Titled "One Piece"