Powers & Abilities Maybe Mihawk still shits on Yonko : Being Impressed vs Being Afraid

Did this chapter change anything for Mihawk

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The on going story of whether Mihawk still COMPLETELY FUCKING SHITS ON YONKO and treats them like ants which chapter 1058 Suggested or he is only one level above them and relatively same tier (highest end of that tier) as yonko.

Well Mihawk wasn't exactly showing fear, first I will show you what fear looks like.

What pissing your pants, taking a shit inside your diaper, looking like a complete pathetic pussy ass BITCH looks like.

Example number 1:

Kaido and Big Mom pissing their pants and shitting at the thought of Zoro killing Kaido in a single attack

You can see worry, and fear in Big Mom's eyes for her friend, screaming like an afraid little cockroach and Kaido himself sweating like a pussy dodging Zoro.

Example number 2:

Perhaps the greatest example of Raw Fear, man completely shitting his diaper, Neckbeard Blackbeard taking a turd inside his pants at the mere sight of Old and Rusty Retired 99 year old Rayleigh.

Old Retired WAY OUT OF HIS PRIME Rayleigh, tells Blackbeard, backed up by Coby, Pacifista and several of his commanders, by himself, and Old ass Man to fuck off and calls him a mere Apprentice and Blackbeard in fear FUCKS OFF

Look at Blackbeard's Face, Look at his eyes Popped Open, Look at him seeing the ghost, seeing his very death in front of his eyes, knowing damn well, no amount of Back Up can save him from Wrath of



Other examples of shitting your pants like a bitch would be
-Kaido's Oden PTSD
-Shanks having no balls to stop Mihawk from calling Shanks a "One Armed Has Been"


Lets get One thing STRAIGHT
-Mihawk gives Zero fucks about Yonko.

He said it right here

Mihawk calls a Yonko a weakling in front of his entire crew..he knows that Yonko can not do FUCK to him

BUM ASS SWORDSMEN LIKE ZORO AND ODEN Have Kaido shitting himself.

He literally came to Marine Ford to Fight Whitebeard and was disappointed in how fucking weak he was

But perhaps the most important thing to remember is that Mihawk casually mentions
"Do you expect me to solo Red Hair Shanks Blackbeard and Luffy and their entire crew for you"

Not a single shred of doubt in Mihawk's face, no fear, at the thought of fight all three emperors and their crews, by himself.
But why would Mihawk put so much effort of soloing 3 Emperors, 1 Yonko level character (Zoro), 1 Admiral (Aokiji) and bunch of others By himself for Buggy

Fact that he even suggests a possibility of annihilating all three emperors, shows how BADLY HE SHITS ON YONKO

Now Can Mihawk solo 4 Yonko level characters

And One admiral (who could be stronger than all 4 Yonko level characters)

And like 20 more bums (Beckman Shiryu etc)

By himself?

Idk..I mean this chapter suggests its a possibility but Idk

But he certainly wasn't scared.

But Mihawk sweats when he is impressed by someone's resolve, the Superstars of the future are the only thing that seem to excite him, get some kinda response out of him now.

We saw him sweat against Zoro, and his ferocity

And he sweats against Zoro's resolve

He is impressed by Luffy, way more than he was impressed by Whitebeard's old ass

He monologues about him

And now he sweats hearing Buggy's resolve

Juxtaposition to how he treats superstar of the future Buggy to Has Been of a Past who is nobody to him

This is very definition of "Not impressed" vs "Impressed"

Although for what its worth..Now Mihawk is one the move

Buggy became a Warlord
-Due to Impel Down Bullshit

Buggy Became a Yonko
-Due to Mihawk and only Mihawk

Buggy will now become a Pirate King
-Due to Mihawk

People save Yonko title face by saying Mihawk is the real Yonko

So question for ya'll

When Mihawk body bags your favs and Buggy becomes 2nd Pirate King

Would ya'll call Pirate King title clown shit

Or would you say Mihawk is next Pirate King?

Something to think about

@Fleet Leader Fenaker
@Elder Lee Hung
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Solder Boy 12 @Erkan12

@Monkey D Theories
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The on going story of whether Mihawk still COMPLETELY FUCKING SHITS ON YONKO and treats them like ants which chapter 1058 Suggested or he is only one level above them and relatively same tier (highest end of that tier) as yonko.

Well Mihawk wasn't exactly showing fear, first I will show you what fear looks like.

What pissing your pants, taking a shit inside your diaper, looking like a complete pathetic pussy ass BITCH looks like.

Example number 1:

Kaido and Big Mom pissing their pants and shitting at the thought of Zoro killing Kaido in a single attack

You can see worry, and fear in Big Mom's eyes for her friend, screaming like a afraid little cockroach and Kaido himself sweating like a pussy dodging Zoro.

Example number 2:

Perhaps the greatest example of Raw Fear, man completely shitting his diaper, Neckbeard Blackbeard taking a turd inside his pants at the mere sight of Old and Rusty Retired 99 year old Rayleigh.

Old Retired WAY OUT OF HIS PRIME Rayleigh, tells Blackbeard, backed up by Coby, Pacifista and several of his commanders, by himself, and Old ass Man to fuck off and calls him a mere Apprentice and Blackbeard in fear FUCKS OFF

Look at Blackbeard's Face, Look at his eyes Popped Open, Look at him seeing the ghost, seeing his very death in front of his eyes, knowing damn well, no amount of Back Up can save him from Wrath of



Other examples of shitting your pants like a bitch would be
-Kaido's Oden PTSD
-Shanks having no balls to stop Mihawk from calling Shanks a "One Armed Has Been"


Lets get One thing STRAIGHT
-Mihawk gives Zero fucks about Yonko.

He said it right here

Mihawk calls a Yonko a weakling in front of his entire crew..he knows that Yonko can not do FUCK to him

BUM ASS SWORDSMEN LIKE ZORO AND ODEN Have Kaido shitting himself.

He literally came to Marine Ford to Fight Whitebeard and was disappointed in how fucking weak he was

But perhaps the most important thing to remember is that Mihawk casually mentions
"Do you expect me to solo Red Hair Shanks Blackbeard and Luffy and their entire crew for you"

Not a single shred of doubt in Mihawk's face, no fear, at the thought of fight all three emperors and their crews, by himself.
But why would Mihawk put so much effort of soloing 3 Emperors, 1 Yonko level character (Zoro), 1 Admiral (Aokiji) and bunch of others By himself for Buggy

Fact that he even suggests a possibility of annihilating all three emperors, shows how BADLY HE SHITS ON YONKO

Now Can Mihawk solo 4 Yonko level characters

And One admiral (who could be stronger than all 4 Yonko level characters)

And like 20 more bums (Beckman Shiryu etc)

By himself?

Idk..I mean this chapter suggests its a possibility but Idk

But he certainly wasn't scared.

But Mihawk sweats when he is impressed by someone's resolve, the Superstars of the future are the only thing that seem to excite him, get some kinda response out of him now.

We saw him sweat against Zoro, and his ferocity

And he sweats against Zoro's resolve

He is impressed by Luffy, way more than he was impressed by Whitebeard's old ass

He monologues about him

And now he sweats hearing Buggy's resolve

Juxtaposition to how he treats superstar of the future Buggy to Has Been of a Past who is nobody to him

This is very definition of "Not impressed" vs "Impressed"

Although for what its worth..Now Mihawk is one the move

Buggy became a Warlord
-Due to Impel Down Bullshit

Buggy Became a Yonko
-Due to Mihawk and only Mihawk

Buggy will now become a Pirate King
-Due to Mihawk

People save Yonko title face by saying Mihawk is the real Yonko

So question for ya'll

When Mihawk body bags your favs and Buggy becomes 2nd Pirate King

Would ya'll call Pirate King title clown shit

Or would you say Mihawk is next Pirate King?

Something to think about

@Fleet Leader Fenaker
@Elder Lee Hung
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Solder Boy 12 @Erkan12

@Monkey D Theories
Didnt read but I agree with this.
Didnt read but I agree with this.
Read it lol
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Mihawk is so strong Buggy is confident he can become Pirate King riding his coattails despite having a faaaaaar weaker crew. Now that's some data right there.

Mihawk might be the Steph Curry of this manga, while Buggy is Kevin Durant.
Yeah in the hindsight its unmatched Hype.

It took Mihawk like a nanosecond, just one move to make buggy a Yonko.

Oda also highlights how "Mere" Yonko title is compared to both WSS and Pirate King @Red Admiral

Mihawk just says the word "Yo Clown, you are new Yonko" and boom clown in new Yonko.

To make someone a Pirate King even Mihawk has to put some effort.
That is mad hype for Pirate King title..it made WSS break some sweat..and made him think.


𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
The on going story of whether Mihawk still COMPLETELY FUCKING SHITS ON YONKO and treats them like ants which chapter 1058 Suggested or he is only one level above them and relatively same tier (highest end of that tier) as yonko.

Well Mihawk wasn't exactly showing fear, first I will show you what fear looks like.

What pissing your pants, taking a shit inside your diaper, looking like a complete pathetic pussy ass BITCH looks like.

Example number 1:

Kaido and Big Mom pissing their pants and shitting at the thought of Zoro killing Kaido in a single attack

You can see worry, and fear in Big Mom's eyes for her friend, screaming like a afraid little cockroach and Kaido himself sweating like a pussy dodging Zoro.

Example number 2:

Perhaps the greatest example of Raw Fear, man completely shitting his diaper, Neckbeard Blackbeard taking a turd inside his pants at the mere sight of Old and Rusty Retired 99 year old Rayleigh.

Old Retired WAY OUT OF HIS PRIME Rayleigh, tells Blackbeard, backed up by Coby, Pacifista and several of his commanders, by himself, and Old ass Man to fuck off and calls him a mere Apprentice and Blackbeard in fear FUCKS OFF

Look at Blackbeard's Face, Look at his eyes Popped Open, Look at him seeing the ghost, seeing his very death in front of his eyes, knowing damn well, no amount of Back Up can save him from Wrath of



Other examples of shitting your pants like a bitch would be
-Kaido's Oden PTSD
-Shanks having no balls to stop Mihawk from calling Shanks a "One Armed Has Been"


Lets get One thing STRAIGHT
-Mihawk gives Zero fucks about Yonko.

He said it right here

Mihawk calls a Yonko a weakling in front of his entire crew..he knows that Yonko can not do FUCK to him

BUM ASS SWORDSMEN LIKE ZORO AND ODEN Have Kaido shitting himself.

He literally came to Marine Ford to Fight Whitebeard and was disappointed in how fucking weak he was

But perhaps the most important thing to remember is that Mihawk casually mentions
"Do you expect me to solo Red Hair Shanks Blackbeard and Luffy and their entire crew for you"

Not a single shred of doubt in Mihawk's face, no fear, at the thought of fight all three emperors and their crews, by himself.
But why would Mihawk put so much effort of soloing 3 Emperors, 1 Yonko level character (Zoro), 1 Admiral (Aokiji) and bunch of others By himself for Buggy

Fact that he even suggests a possibility of annihilating all three emperors, shows how BADLY HE SHITS ON YONKO

Now Can Mihawk solo 4 Yonko level characters

And One admiral (who could be stronger than all 4 Yonko level characters)

And like 20 more bums (Beckman Shiryu etc)

By himself?

Idk..I mean this chapter suggests its a possibility but Idk

But he certainly wasn't scared.

But Mihawk sweats when he is impressed by someone's resolve, the Superstars of the future are the only thing that seem to excite him, get some kinda response out of him now.

We saw him sweat against Zoro, and his ferocity

And he sweats against Zoro's resolve

He is impressed by Luffy, way more than he was impressed by Whitebeard's old ass

He monologues about him

And now he sweats hearing Buggy's resolve

Juxtaposition to how he treats superstar of the future Buggy to Has Been of a Past who is nobody to him

This is very definition of "Not impressed" vs "Impressed"

Although for what its worth..Now Mihawk is one the move

Buggy became a Warlord
-Due to Impel Down Bullshit

Buggy Became a Yonko
-Due to Mihawk and only Mihawk

Buggy will now become a Pirate King
-Due to Mihawk

People save Yonko title face by saying Mihawk is the real Yonko

So question for ya'll

When Mihawk body bags your favs and Buggy becomes 2nd Pirate King

Would ya'll call Pirate King title clown shit

Or would you say Mihawk is next Pirate King?

Something to think about

@Fleet Leader Fenaker
@Elder Lee Hung
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Solder Boy 12 @Erkan12

@Monkey D Theories
Unfathomably based thread.

10/10, would read again.
Its sad that you have to waste your Time to explain to them underevolved Brains such obvious Panels and Portrayalshowcases of Oda to just end up getting laughed at by them cause they are insecure and salty that Mihawk is stronger and shits on the Yonko Title. If they really wanna go by Sweat scaling than we have plenty of Big Mom and Kaido Panels sweating from weaker Charachters lol.

(Great Thread btw)

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Mihawk is so strong Buggy is confident he can become Pirate King riding his coattails despite having a faaaaaar weaker crew. Now that's some data right there.

Mihawk might be the Steph Curry of this manga, while Buggy is Kevin Durant.

Mihawk is Playoff Jimmy Butler while Shanks is old past his Prime Lebron James