General & Others Seraphim vs monster trio matchups


Whether or not the seraphim stay with or betray the world government the ones in egghead coincidentally seem like perfect matchups for the monster trio. With them already clashing multiple times in the arc as is
  1. Luffy vs s-bear: kuma being a buccaneer, a believer of nika, believer of luffy, tied to dragon, and fruit being called the hands of liberation
  2. Zoro vs s-hawk: mihawk obviously being the current wss and s-hawk is basically an amalgamation of a bunch of zoro’s past opponents
  3. Sanji vs s-shark: martial artist, shark has the fruit oda thought would fit sanji, and Jinbe is obviously a fishman with fmi potentially being tied to the all blue
Currently the only odd one out matchup wise is s-snake tho. Idk but maybe Bonney is somehow tied to Amazon lily through Ginny. We still never saw kuma visit Amazon lily

If they do end up being future opponents maybe it could be through the bbp’s capturing them. Either for themselves or to sweeten their deal with the wg

Whether or not the seraphim stay with or betray the world government the ones in egghead coincidentally seem like perfect matchups for the monster trio. With them already clashing multiple times in the arc as is
  1. Luffy vs s-bear: kuma being a buccaneer, a believer of nika, believer of luffy, tied to dragon, and fruit being called the hands of liberation
  2. Zoro vs s-hawk: mihawk obviously being the current wss and s-hawk is basically an amalgamation of a bunch of zoro’s past opponents
  3. Sanji vs s-shark: martial artist, shark has the fruit oda thought would fit sanji, and Jinbe is obviously a fishman with fmi potentially being tied to the all blue
Currently the only odd one out matchup wise is s-snake tho. Idk but maybe Bonney is somehow tied to Amazon lily through Ginny. We still never saw kuma visit Amazon lily

If they do end up being future opponents maybe it could be through the bbp’s capturing them. Either for themselves or to sweeten their deal with the wg
Switch Lanji with Winbei and you got yourself a Monster Trio. :pepehawk:
What about S-Flamingo, S-Bat and S-Crocodile ?

The most likely scenario imo is that the og Warlords will fight their seraphims or the seraphims will become allies somehow.