Character Discussion Egghead Yamato

So egghead seems to parallel onigashima a lot when it comes to the antagonistic force. So ima list them…

Kaido and big mom - kizaru and Saturn

Kaido being the strongest emperor and kizaru strongest admiral at the time of both arcs. Both are going to be beaten by luffy
Big mom and Saturn are both gilfs that will be taken out by outside parties. Kid and law taking out big mom and dragon potentially taking out Saturn

Masked cp0 agents - all stars

Top 3 strongest besides the top guys
King and lucci deadly serious killer machines
Queen and kaku goofy long necked guys
Jack and stussy overshadowed

Top headliners - vice admirals

Top headliners like the tobiroppo, Hawkins, apoo, etc and the vice admirals are the top guys behind the other not top guys. Basically they’re the strongest of the “fodder” for lack of a better term

Now all we’re missing is the Yamato equivalent. If they’re ends up being one maybe it’d be another zodia
Hmm to Me Stussy seems more like the egghead equivalent to Yamato than equivalent to the all stars

Both went against the groups they where with and sided with strawhats and allies
Within the hierarchy of each group I don’t think so. They all won’t have the same role in the story but that’s not specifically what I’m arguing for

Like Yamato along with Drake both betrayed their respective groups to team up with the strawhats. I’d still say Drake role in his group is still supposed the same even tho he switched up. Same with Yamato even they they did the same
Yamato is the type of character that needs a Jinbe type joining route, before joining the crew officially.

Yamato's role as Oden would've made what's coming up more complicated to come to fruition.