Bougya Should the new anime change the Admirals' hair colors?

It's very boring how almost all the Admirals just have black hair. Oda did it right by giving Aramaki green hair, to match with his green epithet. Should the new anime make the Admirals designs more exciting by giving them colored hair like Greenbull? Red hair for Akainu, blue hair for Aokiji, yellow hair for Kizaru, and purple hair for Fujitora.
The new anime should change Ryokugyu’s hair to black

I usually quite like One Piece’s hair colours but the Admirals look better with the real hair colour cause of who they are based on. Green haired Ryokugyu is just odd when the rest aren’t like that.
Maybe he's actually got black hair, but he pumps some clorophyll into it to use photosynthesis and avoid having to eat.
It's very boring how almost all the Admirals just have black hair. Oda did it right by giving Aramaki green hair, to match with his green epithet. Should the new anime make the Admirals designs more exciting by giving them colored hair like Greenbull? Red hair for Akainu, blue hair for Aokiji, yellow hair for Kizaru, and purple hair for Fujitora.
How is them having black hair boring? lmao
It's like 5% of their design...