In wci everything that was said about sanjis kindness has been consistent from everything sanji has done in the series and people denying that are sanji haters who are delusional
Like the guy who tried to claim sanji wanted to. But a woman as a slave by bringing up a picture of sanji suggesting to buy her too
Ignoring that they were there to buy camie to save her so Sanji obviously wanted to do the same for her but they ignore the context to try and hate on sanji refusing to accept what the story shows
They also go but look at how sanjis attitude towards okama when they have harassed him for two years sanjis attitude after the time skip when leaving was also similar to how he was after the baratie arc he even said thank you to iva
Someone having a rough demeanor doesn’t detract from sanjis kindness
sanjis attitude with guys don’t refute that sanji was the one who chose to rescue kinemon.
People try to go but the kids in punk hazard when he didn’t know what was going on with them lot could be a hospital for alll they know and he did want to help them but thinking pragmatically for once doesn’t make him not kind
And what sanji said to jinbe doesn’t detract from kindness you are ignoring what jinbe did and the cultural context of seppuku ( where in Japan people committed it due to some grave crime or for honor/an apology)
Sanji was mad at what he caused to happen to NAMI) there has been nothing in the series that ever detracted from what was said about sanjis kindness
The thing that attracted luffy to sanji was sanjis kindnesss to gin
but sanji speaks roughly with guys and is rude sometimes it doesn’t refute sanjis kindness nothing Sanji did in the series refutes his kindness
Like the guy who tried to claim sanji wanted to. But a woman as a slave by bringing up a picture of sanji suggesting to buy her too
Ignoring that they were there to buy camie to save her so Sanji obviously wanted to do the same for her but they ignore the context to try and hate on sanji refusing to accept what the story shows
They also go but look at how sanjis attitude towards okama when they have harassed him for two years sanjis attitude after the time skip when leaving was also similar to how he was after the baratie arc he even said thank you to iva
Someone having a rough demeanor doesn’t detract from sanjis kindness
sanjis attitude with guys don’t refute that sanji was the one who chose to rescue kinemon.
People try to go but the kids in punk hazard when he didn’t know what was going on with them lot could be a hospital for alll they know and he did want to help them but thinking pragmatically for once doesn’t make him not kind
And what sanji said to jinbe doesn’t detract from kindness you are ignoring what jinbe did and the cultural context of seppuku ( where in Japan people committed it due to some grave crime or for honor/an apology)
Sanji was mad at what he caused to happen to NAMI) there has been nothing in the series that ever detracted from what was said about sanjis kindness
The thing that attracted luffy to sanji was sanjis kindnesss to gin
but sanji speaks roughly with guys and is rude sometimes it doesn’t refute sanjis kindness nothing Sanji did in the series refutes his kindness
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