This is so easy to debunk.
- Black green lightening demonstrate that his adcoc is not perfected. Luffy post 1036 is using red and black lightening and even with Gear 5 , and that is considered perfect.
Black lightening is AdCoA accept it or not. King of hell is Burst of (AdCoA + AdCoC)
- Swordsman don't need No touch , Zoro isn't the type to use no touch either. When Zoro can simply Rip open characters with just ryou.
- It's the other way around lol , It's Zoro who made Enma further strong than it was in oden's Hand.
Oh i get it now.. There are 4 stages to use AdCoC and because Luffy learned AdCoA he can use AdCoC very efficiently and do lowest amount possible of AdCoC in an attack..
1 - CoC Coated Lightning + Big No touch
2 - CoC Coated Lightning + Small No touch(or touch)
3 - No CoC Coated Lightning + Big No touch
4 - No CoC Coated Lightning + Small No touch(or touch)
So Luffy uses very little of AdCoC when he's fighting Kaido from chapter 1036 to the end of the fight.. That's why Zoro's AdCoC is weak, it's number 4 and it would be number 5 alone without Enma.. I'm not even sure Zoro can use AdCoC without Enma..
You can't demand both, KoH is either AdCoA or AdCoC..
You need no touch to split the sky and it shows the characters overall CoC power level, so yes Zoro needs to demonstrate no touch at least once, it's for this same reason that i'm claiming that his AdCoC is trash right now..
Enma's base power output(purple flames) as remained equal, yet it's become easier for Zoro to use Enma's power(green flames + Black Green lightning), it means Enma is boosting Zoro's AdCoC..