Spoiler HxH 410 Spoilers - Lion v. Dragon?

Full RAWs.

Hiatus after this chapter, for an undetermined period of time (hopefully no longer than February).

@RayanOO @Alexis2282AE @roronoa_fan @Sunita @Mimka @Jose92 @Hako Sama @SkySanji @dirtyLarry @Mathias @roronoa_fan @Jailer @Kalimotxo @GodofDarkness @Elan_Zoroeb @TheKnightOfTheSea @Mr.9000 @Ar1sE1998 @Welkin @MonochromeYoru @meho_meho @ConquistadoR @Dark Admiral @Dark Hound @U c 4 up da idly @Law-sama @Little Wing @Suave Slav @GrandmasterChef Zonji @Kvothe Kingkiller @Surgeon of death @Gol D. Roger @Nel-Zel fiasco @K!NG HARA$H!MA @Yoshioka Seijuro @Fisher Tiger @Light D Lamperouge @zorojurou @SHIHI @mugiwalaw @Robin swan @Owl Ki @Jew D. Boy @style @Cinera @Luffy is the mc @Krusher1357 @Seth @Halyup @Jaguark101 @Croci @Sslayer @ConquistadoR @MonsterKaido @Bepo @Shadowlord123 @TheKnightOfTheSea @Chocolatemuppet @Luslec @RayanOO @Liquidhate @Kiwipom @Shiroyru @Yo Tan Wa @LANJI CUCKSMOKE @kom5 @Fujishiro @Kucing Pencuri @Marimo_420 @Don DaSlayer @Yoru @ReggieZoldyck21 @İsrafil @Oblivion @Shisui @RedditorsAreBitchmade @Chilly @MonochromeYoru @Wuuuke @yj @Utsuro @Missy @notAfanboy @Astolfo @NikaInParis @Courier @BerserkerLord3000 @Kromage911 @HakunaMatata @Jorden625 @Akai2 @Kagutsutchi @MUUGEN @Ven437 @Pantheos @L55 @Juliet @RobertoTheOharaSurvivor @Clickbait @FreezyBreeze @PerfectHie @IceWitch @Power @SaintBellkin @Sea_Intruder @gamaran @Worst @soheilhazrat @CartoonHeroes @WesMidnight @Rivaille @Xlaw @symbiote @Arondight @hedera__helix @Zoroe @Tyki_Mikk @Kiiro @Skipper017 @Akaikari @Arara @ZoroMazino @Chrono @BangOO🍅 @NAMELESS

It sounds like the Benjamin is infected and has about 12 hours left before he dies. He will use martial law to off the remaining princes and ensure his child becomes king.
- this is a great chapter, Hulkenberg successfully poisoned Benjamin using Balsamilco's poisen.
- Benjamin activated the martial law once the symptoms appeared, it's safe to assume that he killed Hulkenberg/Balsamilco.
- Botobai seems to be just one centimeter taller than Benjamin, which means he's stronger lol.
-"Zhang Lei plan against Martial Law: "NIGERUNDAYO!!!!".

now we can say that both Benjamin and Hulkenberg are out of the succession war.
If Togashi wants to speed up the succession war considerably, this is a great opportunity for it.

Let Benjamin go wild on majority of the princes. Show off Benjamin's nen, Benjamin Baton, nen beast, physical strength, and his nen army. Give him an insane death.
Benji goes berserk, offs a couple of minor princes, and is about to square off with Tserri, when the Zodiacs stop him. The poison gets to him and Benji dies.
Afterwards, Tserri reveals his beast and newly-mastered nen, to which the Zodiacs go "Oh, shit!" agreeing that they should've let Benji take a stab at it first.
Benji goes berserk, offs a couple of minor princes, and is about to square off with Tserri, when the Zodiacs stop him. The poison gets to him and Benji dies.
Afterwards, Tserri reveals his beast and newly-mastered nen, to which the Zodiacs go "Oh, shit!" agreeing that they should've let Benji take a stab at it first.
I just fucking hope Benjamin takes Camila with him at least. Fucking smug bitch has it coming.