Theory Gunko's Ability Is Inspired By Medusa Of Soul Eater

Gunko has the devil fruit "Arrow Arrow No Mi that allows her to create and control bandages like strips with ends shaped like arrowheads. This is very similar to Medusa's Vector Arrow Magic, a technique that allows her to summon vectors that can be used to pierce opponents. Just like Gunko, Medusa can also summon multiple vector arrows and she can also manipulate these arrows to alter their direction and size

Gunko can also create detached arrows which she can walk upon. These arrows that can act like a pathway and affect her movement allowing her to augment her attacks. This designated arrow paths can increase her velocity and momentum of her attack.

In Soul Eater, Medusa has a "kinda" similar skill called Vector Plate. This is a technique where she summon a vector that is able to prople a subject that steps on it to the direction on which the arrow is points in.

Another skill of Medusa which I think Gunko's already used too is a skill called Vector Conduct.
Vector Conduct is a skill where Medusa places a spell onto another person to make them follow invisible vectors that will guide them onto intended location.

So why did I think Gunko already used a similar skill? If you notice in chapter 1142 where we see the children began sleepwalking, you can see there's an arrow beside that seems to be guiding them onto a specific direction. I think this a skill of Gunko, her own version of Vector Conduct.

Now with these similarities in their skills or abilities....I think it is possible that Gunko will use other technique's based on Medusa's in the future. One possible technique is called Vector Arrow Storm where Medusa create a swirl of vector arrows from her feet upward and spin around her. This can be used to defend an opponents attack.

Another skill she can use is called Compress Vectors. A skill where you surrounds her target with multiple vector arrows to immobalize it then compress it to smaller size. Although I'm not sure if compressing is possible with Gunko's df but still an interesting idea.

Anyway... that's is all for this theory, hope you like it🙂