
Sadistic Senpai
Sadistic Senpai
Lol, this is so funny.. if I'm not mistaken Krav maga is Israeli martial arts right? I'm not joking when I tell you that I learned about it recently, what's more funny is I'm Palestinian, so hahaha, yeah, ironic! But I'm not gonna lie, don't care about politics..etc! So everyone is welcome in my page as long as they respect me as human being, and I like the idea of looking similar to a badass krav maga fighter haha
Yes it is indeed. ( btw creator was from Hungary yet Krav Maga comes from Israel martial arts wtf? )
There is this theme ongoing at least in europe that the worst martial artist to meet on the street is anyone from Krav Maga.
I can confirm via experience that if you met people from Krav Maga you should basically withdraw if this is possible.
In my opinion, Krav Maga is the best martial arts when it comes to defending yourself in real life because there are no rules on the street and there is no referee to stop someone from beating you till you faint or in the worst case till you die.