
First couple chapters are heavy on the comedy, so it could be a slog if the cat and mouse games of Luffy - Queen - O-Lin aren't to your liking. But I enjoy Luffy's constant tug o war with Linlin. It's as if she's one of the only things in this world that can scare Luffy. And in a way, she's bigger, stronger, crazier version of Luffy's ravenous nature.
I'd prefer Haki was elaborated on, but I think Hyogoro's exposition discerning between what he was trying to teach Luffy and what Luffy did on the spot was clear. I might add my thoughts on this in the general haki thread.
O-Lin, O-Lin. There's no way this little amnesia trip gets revisited. She came all the way to Udon with the goal of sharing the oshiruko with everyone at Okobore. It's exactly what Luffy wanted and did for the village at the beginning of the arc.
Taking on two emperors is a tall order. One of them might need to be disposed of in unorthodox fashion. Therefore, Linlin's defeat relating to her episode as O-Lin is a plausibility worth venturing.
Kawamatsu enters the stage. I love this guy's persona. He's consistently friendly and optimistic, and the way Oda draws him in action poses. He's the coolest looking new character in Wano, imo. I look forward to his little flashback story, which is coming up soon.
Though something that bothers me about his official introduction would be how muted it actually was, given how long Oda had teased it. I get that there are way more things to focus on than just Kawamatsu, but it wouldn't have hurt to make the build up to his appearance less of a slow burn. Or at least have his silhouette less obscuring.