
I'm glad the review is still on act :D
The first is the clear connection between Zoro and Ushimaru. Both of these characters, besides their appearance being similar, share a connection with the famed samurai Minamoto no Yoshitsune. Ushimaru shares Yoshitsune's original childhood name of Ushiwakamaru and was the lord of Onimaru, who is clearly inspired by Benkei-- who's given name was Oniwakamaru.
Yoshitsune met Benkei over a bridge. They dueled and Yoshitsune won. Similarly to how Zoro defeated Onimaru for Shusui. These connections are intentional. Zoro and Ushimaru are clearly tied in a way that cannot be ignored. Ushimaru's name also comes from Ox/Bull. Zoro has an attack that is derived from the animal. There is more on this Ox motif, but it'll have to wait for another day.
Onimaru is also based on a kitsune. A shapeshifting trickster. Kitsune were said to steal and trick those who were unworthy, but would show their true, docile nature to someone that was true. Kawamatsu proved such when Onimaru grew closer with the "Kappa". Sensing his good nature and intentions.
Law is going into the battle with a secret motive and plan. It is most likely Drake whom he has worked with, as Drake was nervous around Law while Hawkins was interrogating him a few chapters back. While I trust Drake to do the right thing, I do not trust Law's secretiveness. Maybe I'm overthinking it, and all this Law business will prove a redherring, but Drake is connected to the Marines.
Even if he doesn't want things to escalate, that won't stop navy proper from doing what they think is best. And Law might feel that is what might happen. It'd be maddening if that were the case and he said nothing.
Hiyori performs a dogeza in front of Kawamatsu and Zoro, pleading them to protect Wano. This is massive from her, as she was the one to claim she bows before no one. The fact she is asking them in such a humbling manner to protect Wano means these two will pull their weight during the war. At least, that appears to be the intent.
The number of troops is an interesting point of reference for finding out the traitor. As the number had been updated from 4000 men, to 4200. It's pretty pedantic, but considering how much emphasis was placed on the Alliance gaining just 200 men, and everyone making a big deal over just missing one, like Law, I think being exact the number of men is important-- and it's a detail Oda wants us to keep in mind.