
We're essentially still on the "Jo" phase of "Johakyu". "Jo" being the slow beginning, serving to introduce the various cast members. We got some introductions in Act 1, but the bulk is done here.
Kawamatsu, Hyogoro, Hiyori, Yasuie, Toko, Orochi, King, Queen. Even Kyoshiro who was formally introduced in Act 1 is elaborated far more.
There is essentially two storylines running in tandem during Act 2. The first and biggest storyline would be the Udon subplot, which includes Luffy's escapades in the prison mines and Linlin, as O-Lin, heading there with Chopper and co. Those two elements form half of Act 2. The other half is deals with exploring more of Wano through the lens of the various other Strawhats.
The first would be Sanji, which gives us a better look at life within the capital, as well as a chance to test out his new Raid Suit, a carry over from the last arc. Sanji also shows us the type of consequences that befall those living in the capital. We learn that the people of the capital who can't pay their expenses are driven out, and that those who disobey allies to the Shogunate are reprimanded ruthlessly.