
I'm pretty mixed on the intermissions, as while there is a ton of infodump, we're left clueless on a ton of crucial details. 956 is almost completely devoted on the Warlord disbandment, while the fates of Vivi and Cobra are left hanging. We kinda knew the marines would eventually go after the Warlords, but I guess the most interesting thing to ponder is which Warlord will the marines succeed in capturing.
Coby and Hancock is the only situation with some interesting conclusion. I don't believe any of the others will be apprehended, but regardless of the outcome, Coby and Hancock meeting could lead into any number of cool plotlines. Perhaps they team up to help Luffy? Coby, with obvious help, capture Hancock which could lead to some tension between he and Luffy.
957 is basically one big exposition dump. Not much to talk about besides Xebec. Sengoku reassures he is dead, but his existence is pretty major, considering how sudden he was thrown at us. That said, it makes sense to explain why Linlin and Kaido use to be on a crew together. And Newgate's teases were apparent during his Marineford flashback about wanting a family.
But now we have some significant parallels and ties between Teach and Xebec. Both are ostensibly the only "evil Ds" introduce to us, Teach named his ship after Xebec, and both made Pirate Island a base of operations. Teach can't be a reincarnation because he was alive while Xebec was still at large. A son? Someone who was inspired by Xebec as Luffy was Roger?
And speaking of Teach, he is heading to somewhere before the Marines do for something. This might be related to Alabasta, since Garp mentions the marines having to deal with matters there. And so far, the marines are mainly focused on Alabasta and the Warlords situation.
My favorite thing from these sets of chapters has to be the SWORD reveal. I was hyped when I first read it and am still hyped again. This reveal gives rise to more potential for the marines EOS. A chance to be more than just WG stepping stones for our protagonists. Genuine players in this chess game that is the Throne Wars.
Ok, back to Wano. So little actually happens on our way back, but there is some excellent character beats between the vassals and Momo. Believing their allies to be gone, we see Momo, who has been trying to put up a strong front throughout the arc, finally break down and regress back into a needy child. But we see Kin'emon and co's resolve shine. Even though things look bleak and they are hopelessly outgunned-
-without their allies, he presses on, even with the knowledge his wife was possibly killed protecting his and the other's whereabouts.
Though I am not a fan of the flashback's placing, I like the transition to it, as the Scabbards think back on Oden and his words, why they are still fighting this fight, and why it's so important. Irregardless of Oden's reasons, they do what they do because of him. For bringing them together when they were nothing but lost souls.
Its fishy we did not see Smoker and Tashigi reaction to the end of the Warlord which they were pretty much the catalysis by influencing Fujitora. It seems out of character from Oda not to show them... Unless he has a good reason.