
Lee Ba Shou
Lee Ba Shou
I haven’t read MHA in weeks so I’m not sure. Do we now officially know that Dabi is Touya?
I’d be my account on it but it isn’t confirmed yet. And man, I’d def catch up. The fight is gruesome.
Endeavor will the second person to receive a shot with Quirk erasing bullet in my opinion.
+ Shoto will save him from a lethal blow from Dabi and that's the fight. Shoto vs Dabi.
Endeavor is such a good character, he deserves the best in this manga. His quirk always fascinated me.
Nah I don’t want Endeavors quirk to be erased. That’s too much like All Might ( and possibly Hawks).
Lee Ba Shou
Lee Ba Shou
I just caught up to the Manga. Damn, the Heroes are in a really bad place right now lol. Not sure what’ll happen with Enji just yet. I’ll need to think on it.
@Admiral Lee Hung Eri brings Prime All Might or they are basically fucked.
Endeavor did good but he's nowhere near Prime Might and AFO.

Prime Might would solo the Meta Liberation Front + Villains and then go on to fight Shigaraki in a deathmatch.

Heroes in this world are fucking weak and bad. Only Endeavor and Hawks represent something and it's still not too much. Deki is too young and he's not ready yet imo.
Lee Ba Shou
Lee Ba Shou
Deku, Shoto, and Bakugo are still here lol. They can take care of Shiggy at this point, but good god I’m not even sure what the hell Gigantomachia’s power is. No idea how they’ll stop him. Prime All Might would struggle with Gigantomachia.
Lee my man. Did you missed the part where Shigaraki was fighting them with his quirks erased and they couldn't finish him off XDDD?
They are so fucked like I don't even wanna think about this. Prime All Might would one shot every nomu and maybe 4-5 hits on Machia and he's done.
Prime All Might, Prime AFO and now AFO Shiggy are different type of power level in this world.
Lee Ba Shou
Lee Ba Shou
Shigaraki’s body is literally tearing itself apart right now lol. He’s having to use hyper Regen just to not have his body destroy itself lol.

And nah prime Might ain’t that strong. Gigantomachia is still causing all this destruction when he’s under the influence of a sedative. Gigantomachia is stronger than weakened All Might by a pretty significant margin.
Well I guess we will not get to the fitting conclusion for us. Gigantomachia might be a little stronger than sick Might but I would doubt if he'd tank sick Might's United States of Smash. Gigantomachia is weaker version of AFO imo.
Gigantomachia was AFO’s bodyguard so he’d probably give Prime Might a decent challenge
Lee Ba Shou
Lee Ba Shou
Gigantomachia’s durability is still a complete mystery aside from the fact that he had no reaction Dabi’s flames lol. So people can think differently but Prime Might isn’t even 4 shotting Endeavor who Gigantomachia is far more durable than. Endeavor tanked blows from base Shiggy who is as powerful as All Might.
@TheAncientCenturion Yes, but I don't believe in anyone giving Prime Might a hard diff besides AFO Shiggy and Prime AFO.
Sorry I'm stuck to this headcanon of mine too hard. Until proven otherwise. Prime Might >>>>>>>>>> Anyone in MHA verse.