
I love working with kids. The elderly. Cripples. I sorta do'em all (paraphrasing from when I saw the episode years ago)
Jew D. Boy
Jew D. Boy
Perfect...my brother (also a huge fan) and I went to a convenience store a few years ago, and the guy at the counter started talking to us about some random bullshit. Somehow, the topic quickly veered into philanthropy.
Jew D. Boy
Jew D. Boy
The guy couldn’t pronounce the word correctly, and started doing THE EXACT SAME THING Charlie does (short of blurting out that he’s a full-on rapist), the whole stutter and garbled syllables, literally that scene, in front of us.
Jew D. Boy
Jew D. Boy
We laugh and ask if he likes Sunny...and this guy looks at us like we were Siamese twins attached at the crotch. Not only had he never seen the show, he said it sounded bad when we explained the bit HE did unconsciously. Blew our fucking minds.
Jew D. Boy
Jew D. Boy
This is NOT copypasta, by the way...