
Jinbe settles in with the rest of the crew very quickly and very seamlessly, getting into battle and shenanigans without problem. Though I'm unconvinced of how Oda went about hyping up the crew through beating on weaklings, even having Denjiro be shocked. It was underwhelming as a show of strength, to be honest, and was better to show Jinbe as a Strawhat.
The group sections off their entrance. Hyogoro with the Samurai, Shishillian with the Minks. Denjiro and Kin'emon taking the split entrances while the rest of the Scabbards have a taxi drive onboard Law's submarine. Law has already taken the initiative in planning around Luffy an Kid. I guess he's learned something from being with Luffy this whole time. Even cautions others about it.
Speaking of Kid, we get some nice characterization with him and his crew. They attempt to cheer up Killer by mimicking his laugh. All so that he doesn't feel down about his SMILE condition. Works well at making the Kid pirates more sympathetic and strengthening our investment in Kid in this battle.
Kin'emon and Denjiro, along with the other samurai, put their resolves in full display. Sinking their ships. They aren't looking back. This battle is what they've been waiting for, so they will not waver for what's to come. While this is great for them, it reflects poorly on the Strawhats who aren't displaying that same level of resolve.
An unfortunate side effect on how neglected they've been overall on Wano, character wise. It's akin to Dressrosa, but I could forgive it there because the crew were split and Wano is a much bigger arc in the grand scheme of things. With how important this conflict is, I'd like for the crew to be less "casual" about this.
And now we come to the dreaded Beast Pirates outfits. What I hate about them is how uninspired they are. The Strawhats look like nameless mooks in a Mad Max feature. As if to quell my concerns, Kin does say they will disappear should they accrue too much damage, and I remember Luffy and Zoro ridding of them relatively quickly, so it's not too much a bother.