
Light D Lamperouge
Light D Lamperouge
No trolling, Mihawk Akainu Shanks and Kaido are my top 4. I do think that the three(Mihawk, Akainu, Shanks) will end up stronger than Kaido, and Wano has so far proven me right on more than one occasion regarding Kaido, but I am also willing to wait until the end of Wano to claim that with certainty.
Light D Lamperouge
Light D Lamperouge
Another way to look at it is that Mihawk is Zoro's ultimate goal and we all know Zoro is going to be stupidly strong, stronger than anyone with a sword, Shanks will probably lose to BB making BB a fighter on the level of WB/Roger, and Akainu will more likely than not fight a PK Luffy. As well as power inflation and all 3 are basically eos guys, besides maybe Shanks who can wind up losing to Teach a bit before that.
I think Shanks is slightly stronger just because of how effectively swordsmen can deal with Kaido.
I think Shanks ven with one sword is stronger than Oden.

Though Kaido is still in my top 5
Shanks portrayal is over the top right now looking how badly clowned Big Mom was.

Kaido was clowned a little too but not to her extent.

I would say Shanks little above > Kaido > Big Mom > Blackbeard rn.
Lee Ba Shou
Lee Ba Shou
Look at things this way though:

Kaido and Big Mom both have Road Poneglyphs while Shanks seemingly does not. Metaphorically Oda seems to be portraying them as being closer to the throne than Shanks is, no?
Well it has been hinted heavily that Shanks is not interested in Pirate King title or rather anything after loosing that arm. He "Bet his arm on the new era".

I think it has a deeper reasoning as Shanks seem to understand true purpose of Raftel which is for Luffy to go there and learn about Void Century and bring dawn.

I should make a post on that lol