
Young readers are not into one piece.Oda realised his readers have matured.
Nor are many people outside of home Japan, lol. It's crazy how a new anime like Kimetsu no Yaiba already seems more popular in the West than a 20+ year series which has had literal decades to try and attract a large following there.
I guess the problem is, Anime and Manga reached the west over the last 20 years step by step. While i growed up with it in germany and found my way to One Piece relatively early, some people just got in conctact over the last years and even if they think One Piece looks interesting, they will have more than 900 chapters to follow up, which is immens and for some people just way to much.
Yeah, I think that's a fair point. Who wants to start a manga with over 950 chapters with no end in sight? Whilst at the same time, I think that in itself says something. The story itself shouldn't just be considered, but how succinctly the story can be told. In OP, the main driving focus goes to the wind with arc after arc after arc happening with absolutely nothing to do with the main goal.
To be fair I see this often in the past and for me the important think about KnY is the next year volume sales. Getting push by the anime and surpassing current one piece volumens(3/4) this year is good but not enough. I already see this with AoT and NnT who come close to one piece and then fall in the ground. KnY pass One piece this year with the anime push is impressiv but something which make sense.