
Very interesting and honestly i have no idea, We didnt see alot of enel, Mihawk probably takes it simply because hes the WSS. But what did we see from enel really? He only lost because luffy had immunity to lightening because hes a rubber man other than that how we know what tier is he?
How strong you think enel really is?
Mihawk destroys Enel. So much cap in that post.
Thanks, have a good day too... But I give it to Enel... if nami can be called strongest with hes DF... hes much stronger and has Incredible CoO.... But maybe becouse hes lazy it can go either way
She was never called the strongest. Any haki user would mop the floor with Enel in new world.
Enel showedbest CoO abilities after Katakuri whos so far was shown as strongest CoO user... Enels ability to revive himself , stamina and electricity powers makes him top tier... even Oda admitted that around marineford that he was stronger than shown and would have 500mil bounty if he was pirate
Enels CoO ability got countered by a pre gear Luffy, his CoO means nothing to much faster characters.

A pre gear Luffy had enough strength to defeat him, a haki user packs a lot more power than a pre timeskip, pre gear Luffy.

Hell fuck the SBS Oda in the manga through Luffy said there are much stronger guys than Enel on the seas. Luffy called him trash. It's canon, stop overhyping him.
I think you are a bit underestimating enel. Luffy only beaten him because lightening doesnt affect rubber that cant be said about most people. Yes hes not the strongest but to say hes trash is a very big overestimation. In a sbs Oda said that if nami gets his DF only luffy would be able to stop her, And like i said luffys rubber isnt affected like other people. So that indicates that his DF alone is very powerful.
These are the words of the author himself. Yes there are many people who can beat him nobody said hes top tier. But hes not a weakling just because luffy beat him, He can control lightening he can just keep hitting people with lightening and they wouldnt be able to stop it easily.
He would be a big deal pre timeskip up until Haki users came into play like MF for example. New world ge wouldn't be a big deal. The author himself in the manga wrote he is faaar from the stronngst
Nobody said hes the strongest but you are underestimating him, Haki cant stop a 100 lightening volts hitting you from the sky. Haki is not unlimited and it has its limitations. Its not like rubber where luffy just built in a way that just helps me beat enel. its literally a plot armor without that he wouldnt beat him at all and probably would have had no chance against him.
The raw power of his devil fruit is just too high, Its one of the most OP DF imo
In comparisom to whom is his df OP tho because the verse is filled with superhuman characters. For Mihawk in this post his df wont matter when an old man survived his lightning, and now the supernovas tanking lightning bolts from BM for example. But for other strong/stronger characters?
Then come in his physical stats which also matter a lot now as well. If he couldn't take punches from a pre ts, pre gear Luffy, Mihawk is straight up one shotting him.
But enels devil fruit gives him unlimited arsenal of lightening and it doesnt affect which is the point, Its built into him. Compared to almost every DF. Luffy DF is strong but compared to enels is nothing, More examples are buggys devil fruit which wouldnt help him at all, Choppers DF wouldnt help him at all. Enel DF obviously much more superior to the majority of devil fruits that been introduced.
almost all zoan devil fruits bale in comparison, To control lightening mean you can literally hit any one from anywhere you want and you dont even have to try.
If he keeps his distance it wouldnt be easy to hit him either, And by distance i mean islands distance, And he can just run because lightening is fast and travel via lightining, So he doesnt need to get physical at all. Luffy beat him because he was too arrogant and confidant in his devil fruit that he didnt think luffy could defeat him. Which he wouldnt if not being rubber. Its just one of these broken devil fru..