
is it because of zoro ?
Adam 🍎
Adam 🍎
Nah, no threat factor, i don't feel tension
Feel ya. I don't even read chapters, just spoilers for the hell of it, the community is kinda fun.
Luffy is the mc
Luffy is the mc
There never was any to begin with lol (Ace death being the exception). If you read One Piece for the threat factor, you were reading the wrong manga
Adam 🍎
Adam 🍎
Doesn't work me, i've been on OJ since Dressrosa and had my fair share of trolling. Story itself isn't interesting, pointless characters, pointless plotpoints and just lack of threat generation
Adam 🍎
Adam 🍎
I disagree, OP had plenty of threat factor during pre TS with Lucci, Kuma and similar characters